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[图: FIXED.gif]


Definition of fixed.
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Other Words from fixed.
Synonyms for fixed.
Synonyms certain, determinate, final, firm, flat, frozen, hard, hard-and-fast, inexpugnable, set, settled, stable Visit the Thesaurus for More.
Examples of fixed in a Sentence.
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'fixed.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
First Known Use of fixed.
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a.
History and Etymology for fixed.

Origin of fixed.
Words nearby fixed.
Words related to fixed.
Example sentences from the Web for fixed.
One Air Force official said that with enough time and more money, the EOTS could be fixed .
People on fixed incomes and government pensions are the first to feel the pain.
In 1870, the very Germanically-named August Ruengling fixed a harness for a circus rider and obtained free passes for his family.
The teen refused to drop his knife, according to officers, fixed them with “a 100-yard stare,” and walked toward them.
But they have high fixed costs—overhead, maintenance, staff, and power.
As men fixed in the grip of nightmare, we were powerless—unable to do anything but wait.
Her eyes, for a moment, fixed themselves with a horrid conviction of a wide and nameless treachery.
The Princess still kept her eyes fixed on Louis, while, in a suppressed and unsteady voice, she answered her governess.
She kept her eyes fixed steadily on his, saying what followed gently, calmly, yet as though another woman spoke the words.
“It looks better than any house around here now, since you fixed it up and painted it,” said Sol.

Fixed Phrases: Definition, Examples & Practice.
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Lauren has taught intermediate reading in an English Language Institute, and she has her Master's degree in Linguistics.
Fixed Phrases.
Think about the last conversation you had. Did you or your friend use phrases like 'agree to disagree,' if you could not agree on something, or 'it cost an arm and a leg,' to describe something expensive? These may seem very different topics, but both are examples of fixed phrases. Fixed phrases are phrases in which the wording cannot be changed without sounding odd to native speakers, even if the literal meaning is the same.
Fixed phrases, as a category, also includes idioms , which are fixed phrases that mean something different from their literal definition. Just as with other fixed phrases, you cannot change the wording of idioms, even if the literal meaning would stay the same. Both idioms and other fixed phrases may be tested on standardized tests.
Idiom Examples.
One common English idiom is: 'It's raining cats and dogs.' Of course, the actual meaning of the phrase is not related to its literal definition. It simply means that it's raining very hard. Since idioms are fixed phrases, you cannot substitute in other words, even if it seems the literal meaning would stay the same. You can't, for example, say 'It's raining kittens and puppies.' The idiom is set the way it is.
Another English idiom is when something happens 'once in a blue moon.' A blue moon is the second full moon in a month, so they are fairly rare. If something happens 'once in a blue moon,' it happens very rarely. Even though the literal definition makes more sense for this idiom, you still cannot make substitutions. For example, you cannot change 'blue moon' to another rare event. So, 'once in an eclipse' would not be acceptable.
Other Fixed Phrases.
Not all fixed phrases take the form of idioms. Non-idiom fixed phrases tend to be more closely linked to their literal definitions than idioms. One English fixed phrase is 'of its own accord,' meaning 'on its own' or 'automatically.' As you can see, the meaning is closely matched to the literal definition. However, you still cannot substitute words. In the sentence 'The wagon moved of its own accord,' for example, you cannot say 'The wagon moved of its own ability.' This has the same literal meaning, but the phrasing is awkward. In order to keep the same meaning, you would have to change out the fixed phrase entirely.
Another example is the phrase 'below the belt.' If something is 'below the belt,' it is cruel or unfair. This phrase actually comes from boxing, where it is illegal to hit below the belt. Even though it might seem cruel or unfair to hit someone in the face, you can't substitute 'below the eyes' or 'below the nose.' 'Below the belt' is a fixed expression, and so it cannot be altered.
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Words nearby -rigged.
What does rigged mean?
When something is rigged , it has been fraudulently manipulated by someone to get their desired outcome (e.g., the game was rigged in favor of the home team ) .
How is rigged pronounced?
Where does rigged come from?
Rigged has nothing to do with the rigging on boats or big rigs on the highway. This rigged , dated in this form in the mid-1800s, is unrelated and its origins are obscure.
In the late 1700s, lexicographer Francis Grose defined a rig as “fun, game, diversion, or trick,” which was extended to “to deceive.” This rig may come from thimblerig , an early version of the shell game con.
In the 1800s, rigging specifically referred to stock fraud (e.g., a rigged stock ). In the 1900s, rigged was especially used to talk about sporting matches (like the 1919 World Series) whose winner was fixed in advance, usually by players getting money to lose on purpose.
In the 2000s, rigged was increasingly used of political or social systems. Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders notably campaigned on repairing a rigged economy in favor of the rich while Donald Trump thundered on about the election being rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.
How is rigged used in real life?
Calling something rigged is often used in everyday speech or writing by people who think an outcome has been fixed ahead of time so they lose.
As noted, sports matches are often discussed as rigged , such as the 2006 Italian football scandal. This involved teams and referees fixing matches for financial gain (gain for the deliberate losers that is).
Rigged , as also noted, came into the spotlight during the U.S. presidential election, a favorite claim of Donald Trump, who lied that the election was rigged so Clinton would win. Many now believe, ironically enough, that the election was in fact rigged , with Russian meddling helping Trump win.
Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail. Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 15, 2016.
More examples of rigged :
“How an Ex-Cop Rigged McDonald’s Monopoly Game and Stole Millions” —Jeff Maysh, The Daily Beast (headline), July 2018.
This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.
Example sentences from the Web for -rigged.
This sick status quo is a result of the rigged system of redistricting.
But New Yorkers have an important chance to reform their rigged system.
They hate attack ads and want change, but believe the American political system is rigged.
Semi -rigged elections, and blurred lines between business and government—Beijing's wrangling would make Boss Tweed proud.
In 1965, amid political tensions, regional elections were rigged by the ruling party in Western Nigeria.
Only I happened to have the radio set, and—and everything is rigged right for my idea to work out.
That was just rigged up to send us to Jack Carlson to ask that he get us out of town in a hurry.
Chet and Lance had 122 a pair of automobile searchlights rigged forward on their own boat.
The chain communicated with a powerful crane rigged up on the foremast, and was wrought by a steam windlass on deck.
It would be difficult in that weatherworn hull to recognise the trim full -rigged ship that left the Hoogly many months before.

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