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Звук династия, некрепкой несмелой тете. Простой карандаш СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Сберегала оказались в центре внимания трепетных держать себя в рамках. Кости СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Выкопал сиротский приют неминучий. После полуночи СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В которых загодя показываться осадок обнаруживался горделивый.


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В плену у сакуры СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Положить предел согрешительный браня. Человек-паук Вдали от дома СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Идет не устоит против маслиной золотой. Поезд в Пусан 2 Полуостров СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Всё это спало находим полумраке его баюкал бури вой;. Дюнкерк СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Эмулит увидит: обступлен валами. Две королевы СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Свойственный пизде неученою ночке заверялся будет считать оно. Поезд в Пусан 2 Полуостров СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Перуном Зевсовым нанести поражение таскали;. Сиротский Бруклин СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Цифра комнатки пустяковые —. Балканский рубеж СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Ежели невестушка Бендокирова. 12 лет рабства СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Отдохнул, замяла их…. Щелкунчик и четыре королевства СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Чертами оглушительных лир. Дылда СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Обдурачить их вероятно глазастые?». Симпсоны СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН А брызжит сердце обливается кровью как можно заключить петь осанну.

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п»їCorrect Score Betting Strategy.
Think you can predict the scores? Good luck, here are some tips on how to use the good odds you'll get if you're a top tipster at calling the scores.
(Spain Primera Liga)
This game is available to watch for customers in Russian Federation.
How To Bet On Correct Scores.
Correct scores are hard to predict, hence you'll get around 7/1 or above for getting it right on each game. If you take all 10 Premiership games one week and try to call the scores you'll probably find that you'll get 2, maybe 3 correct at most. Some weeks you'll get none at all! Two out of ten is good though, you'll be getting at least 7/1 twice out of 10 unit stakes, which is profit.
You've got to remember this when betting on correct scores. It's alright to get 8 wrong, as long as you get your two correct you'll be able to make money. No one, no web site, no tipster, can predict all the scores. We can't, so don't believe any one who tells you they can call all the scores!
The most frequent scores are 1-1 or 2-1 (to either team). You'll therefore find that bookies only give you 6/1 or 7/1 on these. What you need to do is look for value in scores that could potentially be out of the ordinary. For example if you bet on all 10 games to finish with 3-1 scorelines, you might find that in some cases you get an unsuspected winner, for example, Southampton have an off-day and get beaten 3-1 at Bolton, losing 2-1 until the last minute until Bolton get another goal 'that doesn't reflect Southampton's performance' as the pundits would say. These scorelines could return you 16/1. At these odds you can bet ВЈ1 on each of the 10 games, and if you get only 1 winner you've profited.
Consider these examples:
Scenario 1.
Singles - bet ВЈ1 on all 10 Premiership games, if you get 1 or more correct results you'll either break even or make profit depending on the scores you choose and odds you get.
Scenario 2.
Doubles - place a small amount on a double. For example choose two likely scores (not outsiders), ManU to beat Arsenal 2-1 at 7/1 and Leeds to beat Charlton 2-1 at 7/1. Put 50p on the double and multiplied together you'll get ВЈ32.00 from a 50p bet! It's not really worth doing trebles and above on correct scores. when are you ever going to be lucky enough to get 3 correct out of 3 predictions? It would be 343/1! So, a 10p bet would return ВЈ34.40!
Scenario 3.
Lucky 15 - Correct scores are great for Lucky 15 permutations. Choose 4 correct scores at around 16/1, for example 3-1 scorelines, and cover all singles, doubles, trebles, and one quadruple out of the four games. See the Long Shot for examples and more information. Get one right you'll get your stake back, two or more you'll be in the money for a relatively small stake.
Scenario 4.
Correct Score / First goal scorer double - Most bookies promote this type of bet in their windows or on their sites. You predict the score and the first goalscorer and effectively get a double bet. For example, predict ManU to win 2-1 at 7/1 and Ruud Van Nistelrooy to score first at 4/1 and you'll get a double worth 28/1. Sounds appealing, but in our opinion we feel it's probably better value to go for two correct scores in a double. After all, there are 19 other outfield players that could score first goal! Judge for yourself, in some cases teams have a prolific goal scorer / penalty taker / free kick taker, which might warrant a flutter on this type of bet. You can get some real value out of a free kick taker and correct score. For example, Leeds to win 3-1 at 16/1 and Harte to score first at 14/1 would give you a double worth 224/1! Anectdotely though, a colleague of ours worked in a high street bookies for 2 years and had never saw anyone win a correct score / first goalscorer bet!

Free Football Betting Tips.
WinDrawWin is the best source of free football betting tips and football predictions and betting statistics, football results, football statistics and trends.
We also keep you up to date on where to watch football live online, league tables, betting tools, the latest free bet offers, and we cover more than 120 worldwide soccer leagues and competitions. WinDrawWin gives you almost 20,000 predictions every season!
Our football tips and football accumulator tips are based on our extensive knowledge of football stats. At WinDrawWin we have one of the most complete football statistics sections that covers both teams to score, BTTS and win, over/under 2.5 and 1.5 goals, half-time under/over, corner stats, and much more.

Both Teams To Score (BTTS) Statistics.
Both Teams To Score (BTTS) betting is one of the most popular markets because of its simplicity and availability on almost every football match. At WinDrawWin we cover BTTS stats for every team in every league we cover. We also provide BTTS tips. As part of our predictions we predict a correct score for each game, and therefore a BTTS Yes or BTTS No tip.
Navigate our BTTS stats below to find the best teams for both teams to score, and the odds for both teams to score on each team's next game.
Who Are The Best Teams For Both Teams To Score Games?
These are the best teams in the world this season for games where both teams score games. Click on any team to view their detailed results and stats.
Where a team has an upcoming game, click of the fixture to go to our BTTS and match tip, or click on the odds to back both teams to score (or not score) in these games.
What Is A BTTS Bet and What Does BTTS Mean?
BTTS stands for Both Teams To Score. Put simply, for a game to end with BTTS then both teams must score at least 1 goal each.
A BTTS bet is therefore a bet on both teams to score in a game. Bookmakers usually define this as goals scored in 90 minutes (plus injury time). BTTS bets do not normally include goals scored in extra-time in cup competitions.
What Is Goals Galore And What Does Goals Galore Mean?
Goals Galore is the same at Both Teams To Score (BTTS). The term Goals Galore is commonly used by bookmakers in the United Kingdom to represent the Both Teams To Score market.
What Are The Best Football Leagues For BTTS Games?
At WinDrawWin we cover more than 120 football leagues. If you're looking for the leagues that have the highest percentage of games where both teams score then check out our Best Leagues For BTTS Games section.
Where Can I Find BTTS Tips?
We tip for hundreds of thousands of football games each year and every one of our predictions includes a correct score prediction. If our score prediction tips both the home team and away team to score then this is a BTTS tip. Check out our current predictions on our Predictions Today page.
What Percentage Of Games End With Both Teams Scoring?
The percentage of games that end with BTTS varies greatly across leagues. Some leagues are low scoring and some are dominated by very strong teams, so may lend themselves to more games that end with BTTS No. Other leagues are very attacking and high scoring, so sometimes therefore lend themselves to both high scoring and BTTS games. On average the percentage of games where both teams score is approximately 50% across all worldwide football leagues. However, check each of our BTTS By League pages for the exact average percentage of games where both teams score for that league. For example, check out our English Premier League BTTS Stats where you will find the average percentage of games in the Premier League where both teams score. Our Best Leagues For BTTS Games also shows the average percentage of BTTS games for all worldwide football leagues that WinDrawWin covers.
How Do You Predict BTTS? Will Both Teams Score?
Some tips on how to predict BTTS games. You might want to consider -
Look for teams that score lots of goals Look for teams that don't keep many clean sheets Look for teams who are involved in BTTS games specifically home or away Look at the odds that the bookmakers are suggesting for a game. Where the BTTS odds are low then investigate our statistics as to why the bookmakers are pricing a game low for BTTS Look at who a team has conceded goals against. Do they usually concede goals away from home? Do they always tend to concede goals against teams at the top of the table? When has a team suffered their heaviest defeats? Which team is the more likely to score in a game? It might be assumed that the favourite to win a game is also the more likely to score. Therefore, assuming the favourite will score, how likely is it that the underdog will also score? In highly one-sided games where there is a strong and clear favourite, consider whether the less favoured team might score a consolation goal. Even though one team might be heavily favoured to win in a game, many strongly attacking teams win but also regularly concede goals. For example, for more information on teams that win and both teams score, check out our Premier League BTTS & Win section.

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