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Germany has called for a moratorium on the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. This was stated by the coordinator of the German government for transatlantic cooperation Peter Bayer, RIA Novosti reports.

According to him, this step will restore the partnership between the United States and Germany. Bayer recalled the firm position of the United States and the lack of progress in the negotiations between Berlin and Washington on this issue.

The coordinator of the German government said that if Germany wants to use this window of opportunity for a new transatlantic alliance, it will have to realize the reality. In his opinion, the desire that the "Nord Stream-2" will disappear and will not be important, as well as that the administration of US President Joe Biden will not attach much importance to it, was not justified.

Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that in the transatlantic aspect of the "Nord Stream-2" there is no single assessment. "It is important in the future to talk about those issues on which the transatlantic partnership may not have a single assessment. At the moment, the topic of Nord Stream-2 also applies to them. It is important for me in this regard that we pursue the same policy towards Ukraine, and that it is Ukraine that remains an important partner in terms of gas transit and supply, " Merkel said.

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According to her, the administration of US President Joe Biden supports the protection of intellectual property, but nevertheless, to help end the pandemic, it agrees to cancel patents for this category of drugs. Tai said that Washington will participate in negotiations within the World Trade Organization (WTO) on this issue. At the same time, she stressed that this may take some time.

Earlier, pharmaceutical companies appealed to the US government not to abandon the patent for coronavirus vaccines. As noted, lobbyists of the pharmaceutical industry held several private meetings with officials from the trade sector, as well as with representatives of the White House. During them, they pointed out that new technologies for the production of vaccines may fall into the hands of the authorities of Russia and China.

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