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Politics news - 30/11/2021
The head of BioNTech, Ugur Shahin, assessed the effectiveness of the Comirnaty vaccine, developed by the German company BioNTech (Biontek) together with the American partner Pfizer (Pfizer), against the new omicron strain of coronavirus. His words are quoted by Reuters.

Shaheen pointed out that the drug probably provides protection against the severe course of the disease, referring to those cases when patients require hospitalization or intensive care. "We believe that, most likely, people will have significant protection from the severe course of the disease caused by the omicron strain," he explained.

The head of the company added that laboratory tests will be conducted over the next two weeks to find out how much antibodies in the blood of people who have received two or three doses of the Comirnaty vaccine are capable of suppressing a new type of coronavirus.

Shahin noted that the third, booster dose of vaccination will provide a sufficient level of protection compared to those who received only two doses. According to him, there is no cause for concern, but anxiety is caused only by those patients who are not vaccinated at all.

Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, said that all existing COVID-19 vaccines in Russia are effective against the omicron strain of coronavirus. She added that PCR testing, which is carried out in Russia, is also able to identify a new strain. According to the latest estimates, the omicron strain of coronavirus has not been detected in Russia.

On November 11, a new strain of coronavirus was detected in South Africa under the code B.1.1.529. The first cases of infection were registered on November 24.

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Именно ему теперь предстояло доказать всем, что с отьездом ведущих мастеров экрана, австралийское кино не перестало существовать.
It would be appropriate to put pressure on Russia because of the increased presence of troops near the border with Ukraine. This was stated by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at a hearing in the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs of the US Senate, writes TASS.

Thus, she responded to the proposal of one of the senators: in his opinion, Washington should send a "tough signal" to Moscow, the pressure should be "significant and tangible." "I agree that this is appropriate," the agency quotes Yellen's response.

Earlier, the US Defense Department spoke on the same topic: Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby during a briefing accused the Russian Federation of continuing to increase the number of its troops near the border of Ukraine.

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, stated that nothing happened on the border with Ukraine, the redeployment and maneuvers of Russian troops were carried out on Russian territory. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also said that Russia has not prepared, is not preparing and will not prepare any attacks on anyone.

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The British spoke about the likelihood of a war between Russia and Ukraine, they commented on an article in The Telegraph newspaper.

The author recalled the words of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who promised that in the event of a war in Ukraine, Minsk together with Moscow will stand against the enemies of Russia. The publication also recalled the joint exercises conducted by the Union State.

Most readers replied to the editorial board that the British are not interested in Ukraine. "To everyone who wants to start a war with Russia here: get ready to sacrifice your sons. The UK has a professional army, but it is extremely weak," David James called the dangers of a collision. Commentators recalled the Battle for Stalingrad during World War II.

"On the other hand, the Russians are great at fighting in the cold. Remember Stalingrad at least," Barry Evans stressed. "There is no appetite for war at all. No one is going to fight. Otherwise, this slag from the regular NATO armies will not last five minutes against Russia," a commentator under the nickname Hot Azel called the West to the world. "The Ukrainian duck "The Russians are coming" is just an excuse to violate the Minsk agreements," suggested user Leon bb.

Earlier, the British called the British Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss incompetent and condemned her after statements that Russia is responsible for the migration crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border.

Russia has repeatedly stated that it is not going to attack Ukraine.

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