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Check the history between the two clubs. The home and away history is important. You will be surprised how the history repeats in some games year after year.
Team news.
Be sure always to check for injuries and suspensions. Which players are missing and how important are they. If there are injuries check if it is long-time injuries or new injuries since the last game etc. How good are the players who will play instead.
Motivation is very important, especially when the season end is near. Ask yourself if the team needs points. Is the team playing European football and maybe will rest players. Is the team interested in the domestic cup.
Check the team schedule. How many games have they played in recent days. Could they be tired. When are they playing again. Is the next game very important to the team.
Everyone has their expertise and speciality. There can be few hundred football matches today. It is important to stay focus on competitions that you are familiar with, for example England Premier League, Italy Serie A, Champions League etc. You will have more knowledge about teams and players in these soccer leagues to stand a higher chance to win.
Quality precedes quantity. There is no need for you to bet everyday. You should only bet when you have confidence to win.
It is equivalent to live betting as you watch the match on TV or follow the live score. You may stand a higher probability to win by seeing how the team perform during the match.
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You must know your limits and do not cross the line. Be responsible in your actions, bet what you can afford to lose. Do not end up in a debt and get into trouble. See responsible gambling.
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You can purchase picks at any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Every day is different, however tips are always posted at least 6 hours before the first game starts.
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No, we will provide tips only for selected matches that are verified by our Experts. We release tips only for matches where there is a strong confidence of winning.
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Tips are based on Match Odds (Money line 1X2) and Total Goals (Under/Over)
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Home and Away Records.
Check for home and away statistics. Some teams play better at home ground, some play better away. Also check if the game is a local derby and if teams share the stadium.
Check the history between the two clubs. The home and away history is important. You will be surprised how the history repeats in some games year after year.
Team news.
Be sure always to check for injuries and suspensions. Which players are missing and how important are they. If there are injuries check if it is long-time injuries or new injuries since the last game etc. How good are the players who will play instead.
Motivation is very important, especially when the season end is near. Ask yourself if the team needs points. Is the team playing European football and maybe will rest players. Is the team interested in the domestic cup.
Check the team schedule. How many games have they played in recent days. Could they be tired. When are they playing again. Is the next game very important to the team.
Everyone has their expertise and speciality. There can be few hundred football matches today. It is important to stay focus on competitions that you are familiar with, for example England Premier League, Italy Serie A, Champions League etc. You will have more knowledge about teams and players in these soccer leagues to stand a higher chance to win.
Quality precedes quantity. There is no need for you to bet everyday. You should only bet when you have confidence to win.
It is equivalent to live betting as you watch the match on TV or follow the live score. You may stand a higher probability to win by seeing how the team perform during the match.
Bet Types.
The popular bet types are 1Г—2 (Fixed Odds), Asian Handicap and Total Goals Over/Under. You must understand the risks and rewards that come with each bet type.
You must know your limits and do not cross the line. Be responsible in your actions, bet what you can afford to lose. Do not end up in a debt and get into trouble. See responsible gambling.
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Every day is different, however tips are always posted at least 6 hours before the first game starts.
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No, we will provide tips only for selected matches that are verified by our Experts. We release tips only for matches where there is a strong confidence of winning.
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Tips are based on Match Odds (Money line 1X2) and Total Goals (Under/Over)
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