06-07-2022, 05:25 PM
Third, sound is a vibration that travels through a medium, like a gas, a liquid or a solid object. A sound's source is an object that moves or changes shape very rapidly. For example, if you strike a bell, the bell vibrates in the air. As one side of the bell moves out, it pushes the air molecules next to it, increasing the pressure in that region of the air. This area of higher pressure is a compression. As the side of the bell moves back in, it pulls the molecules apart, creating a lower-pressure region called a rarefaction. The bell then repeats the process, creating a repeating series of compressions and rarefactions. Each repetition is one wavelength of the sound wave. The sound wave travels as the moving molecules push. Pull the molecules around them. Each molecule moves the one next to it in turn. Without this movement of molecules, the sound could not travel, which is why there is no sound in a vacuum.|Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the result of an abrupt change in your breathing abilities. This is caused by fluid build-up in the air sacs of the lungs. ARDS typically occurs in people with chronic illness or people who experience injury to the lungs. Lung inflammation that leads to ARDS can be caused by aspiration (inhaling vomit into the lungs), inhalation of chemicals, pneumonia, septic shock, trauma, drug overdose, smoke inhalation, heart failure, near drowning, and pancreatitis. Most people who experience ARDS are already hospitalized for these other serious medical conditions. Ultimately, the build-up of fluid in the lungs results in serious problems with oxygen being transported into the bloodstream and throughout the body, leading to further life-threatening health complications. The symptoms of ARDS vary in intensity depending on the cause of the condition. Symptoms generally include shortness of breath, low blood pressure, confusion, extreme fatigue, coughing and fever. An abnormal crackling means that there is fluid in the lungs. If your doctor suspects ARDS, he is likely to order a chest X-ray, arterial blood gas analysis, CT scan, blood tests and heart tests. People with ARDS are generally cared for in the intensive care unit of a hospital, as they need constant, round-the-clock care. Treatment involves breathing assistance. Treating the underlying condition that led to ARDS. People with ARDS are typically put on a breathing machine that sends high levels of oxygen to the lungs.
4902599 3567524
4230039 89028
3869447 6515590
7465216 8333237
3430380 5986584
3104135 7700129
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3503934 1783038
5645563 5322331
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4974743 2954097
4279565 5862495
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7701258 7058906
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7418629 2281905
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3661229 4247784
9790221 2287033
9824449 1082400
9064611 9319223
4029472 5963494
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8217876 4518501
6000917 4779028
5281811 2299130
9587175 8000909
7163736 7194823
4651021 2000112
9423845 4122452
8849972 7989165
225272 1827153
3101742 3973763
4208002 4154435
7295426 217407
4237676 626791
2552954 7383984
6468557 3665517
6725457 940523
6716278 2315938
2376734 7899878
8592430 4800674
8940153 4531678
6379387 4763006
3300595 6092956
8105742 8528866
5485006 2210700
6801338 3244531
8715944 3980493
389463 8217967
5518907 1397399
3191310 4330353
4113949 2193807
4902599 3567524
4230039 89028
3869447 6515590
7465216 8333237
3430380 5986584
3104135 7700129
4916871 579693
1345407 2710875
6052285 1982895
3503934 1783038
5645563 5322331
8115575 9633157
4974743 2954097
4279565 5862495
79682 2796566
7701258 7058906
1678666 4802115
7418629 2281905
1936632 1654678
3661229 4247784
9790221 2287033
9824449 1082400
9064611 9319223
4029472 5963494
6082370 4005901
8217876 4518501
6000917 4779028
5281811 2299130
9587175 8000909
7163736 7194823
4651021 2000112
9423845 4122452
8849972 7989165
225272 1827153
3101742 3973763
4208002 4154435
7295426 217407
4237676 626791
2552954 7383984
6468557 3665517
6725457 940523
6716278 2315938
2376734 7899878
8592430 4800674
8940153 4531678
6379387 4763006
3300595 6092956
8105742 8528866
5485006 2210700
6801338 3244531
8715944 3980493
389463 8217967
5518907 1397399
3191310 4330353
4113949 2193807