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Buy and Purchase.
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This week we answer a question from Julio in Peru. He writes:
I would like to know the difference between BUY and PURCHASE and when to use each of them. -- Julio, Lima, Peru.
Thanks for asking about these words. As you know, "buy" and "purchase" can be used in similar sentences. They can both be used either as a noun or a verb.
One difference between them is how formal they sound. Compare the following sentences. Put "buy" or "purchase" in the space.
I would like to ______ a new home.
She wants to _____ a hamburger.
Like most English speakers, I would say "purchase" for the home and "buy" for the hamburger. You probably wonder, why does English have two words with exactly the same meaning?
History of the words.
We can understand this better with a little history. English developed from the languages of Germanic tribes of Northern Europe. Words from that time are what we call Anglo-Saxon. In the year 1066, William the Conqueror and his forces began to take over England. William was from Normandy, in France. For the next 300 years, everyone in English courts and in government spoke French. English was a language for everyday use.
As a result, French had a great effect on the English language: about 10,000 French words were added to English. We still use many of them today. As you might suspect, English speakers use the French words for more formal situations and the Anglo-Saxon words for common ideas and things.
One way you can tell the difference between the French words and the Anglo-Saxon words is their length. Anglo-Saxon words, like “buy,” are often short, while “purchase” and other French words are longer.
Julio asked how to use "buy" and "purchase." We usually use "buy" as a verb. For example,
I will buy food for the party.
It is not so common to see "buy" as a noun, but you do find it in cases like this:
The police stopped a drug buy on the street.
We often use the verb "purchase" for when legal documents are involved, such as in:
The government purchased a new contract for 1,000 airplanes.
And you should use "purchase" when you need a noun form, as in:
You made a smart purchase when you bought gas before the price went up.
In summary, try to use "buy" for simple actions, and "purchase" for more formal exchanges of money for goods.
And now, I will ask you to do something. Please send your questions about English to us by email: learningenglish@voanews.com.
And that's Ask a Teacher for this week.
I’m Jill Robbins.
Dr. Jill Robbins wrote this story for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.
Words in This Story.
formal – adj. related to serious or official speech and writing.
hamburger – n. a flat, usually round piece of ground beef that is cooked and served usually in a roll or bun.
conqueror – n . a person who takes control of a country or city through the use of force.
Anglo-Saxon – n. the language of the Anglo-Saxons.
summary – n. a brief statement of the main points of something.
Difference Between Purchase and Buy.
June 22, 2011 Posted by koshal.
Purchase vs Buy.
Difference between purchase and buy is an interesting topic to look into as many would say they both mean the same. Do you buy a mobile from the market or you purchase it? This is a conundrum not many would be able to answer. Generally speaking, both words mean the same thing which is the actual act of buying though there are some who feel that purchase is a more formal word while buy is a term that is casual and normally applies to anything you buy either from the market or online these days. However, can you buy a thing without purchasing or purchase without buying it? This is a puzzle that most of us have no answer. However, one thing is certain. There has to be a difference between purchase and buy or why would we have two different terms for the same act.
What does Purchase mean?
Purchase is used to refer to a contractual agreement such as purchase of property or a purchase order from a company to a supplier. You do not buy land; you purchase it along with an agreement. This means that you purchase everything, but you do not buy everything.Then there are differences pertaining to usage of these two words. For example, government always places purchase orders, and never buys. Look at the following example.
The government has decided to purchase anti-missile tanks from the US .
Here, you see that instead of using the word buy, the word purchase has been used. It is mainly due to the fact that the subject is the government. When government is used there should be a formality in the sentence. As a result, purchase, the word that is more formal, has been used. The very fact that in letters of complaint as when a product is not working properly or has developed a snag, we use the word purchase and not buy tends to prove that there is a sense of formality in the word purchase which is missing in buy.
What does Buy mean?
When it comes to the word buy, it is also used to mean obtain in exchange for payment. Look at the following examples.
I bought some saris from the sale.
I should buy some meat for dinner.
In both these examples, the word buy is used. However, if you look at the situations given in those examples, you will see that both refer to everyday, normal situations. Thus, the word buy is used in a very informal manner. There are other amusing uses of these two words. You do not buy into an argument rather than purchase. You congratulate your son on his smart buy and not purchase. In jurisprudence, it is always purchase and not buy that is used.
What is the difference between Purchase and Buy?
• Buy and purchase have same meanings though they are used in different contexts and their usage is also different.
• Purchase is considered more formal than buy and is a word used more in contractual agreements than buying an ice-cream or a mobile from the market.
• You purchase everything, but you do not buy everything.
Difference Between | Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons.
Key difference: Essentially, both the terms mean to acquire something against money. However, buying is considered a general term, which is most commonly used to refer to everyday goods and commodities. However, purchase is considered to be more of a formal term than buy.
Buying and Purchasing are two terms that are often used interchangeably. The words essentially have the same meaning, but they do differ in context. However, in modern usage of the terms, they are considered as synonyms.
Dictionary.com defines buy as:
To acquire the possession of, or the right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, especially in money; purchase. To acquire by exchange or concession: to buy favor with flattery. To hire or obtain the services of: The Yankees bought a new center fielder. To bribe: Most public officials cannot be bought. To be the monetary or purchasing equivalent of: Ten dollars buys less than it used to.
Whereas, purchase is defines as:
To acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent; buy. To acquire by effort, sacrifice, flattery, etc. To influence by a bribe. To be sufficient to buy: Twenty dollars purchases a subscription. To acquire (land or other property) by means other than inheritance. To buy something.
Essentially, both the terms mean to acquire something against money. However, there is some difference between the terms, specifically regarding the context of the terms. Buying is considered a general term, which is most commonly used to refer to everyday goods and commodities. However, purchase is considered to be more of a formal term than buy. Purchasing is often used to refer to contracts and big products, whereas buying is inferred for small products. For example: вЂI purchased a piece of land’ or вЂThe government purchased a huge defense contract.’ However, вЂI bought a new phone.’ Still, it must be noted that in daily usage, the terms are synonymous. For example: I bought a new book. I purchased a new book.
Comparison between Buying and Purchasing:
Buying is to obtain something in exchange for money or goods.
Purchasing is to obtain something in exchange for money or goods.
Difference Between Buy and Purchase.
Main Difference – Buy vs Purchase.
Both buy and purchase mean to pay money and acquire something. Although many people assume that buy and purchase have the same meaning, there are subtle differences in their meanings. Buy is a common word that can be used in any context whereas purchase is a formal word, which is not generally used in spoken context . This can be termed as the main difference between buy and purchase.
Buy – Meaning and Usage.
Buy is an irregular verb which means to obtain something in exchange for payment. Buy is a general word which is used in both written and spoken language. It is more commonly used with goods and commodities we buy every day. The past tense and past participle of buy are bought.
He bought a new car.
Did you buy her a gift?
He can buy anything he wants.
I buy fish from the fishermen.
Where do you buy fresh vegetables?
Purchase – Meaning and Usage.
Purchase also has a similar meaning to buy. It means to acquire something in exchange for money. But this verb is not generally used in everyday language. This verb is mostly used in formal, business or technical contexts. Moreover, we don’t use purchase in relation to small goods and commodities we buy every day. It is often used to refer to big products and contracts.
The company purchased a new building.
The government purchased a new defense contract.
The millionaire purchased a yacht.
He chose the purchase very carefully.
The phone is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase.
Note that purchase can also be used as a noun.
Difference Between Buy and Purchase.
Part of Speech.
Buy is a verb.
Purchase is a noun and a verb.
Buy is an irregular verb.
Purchase is a regular verb.
Buy can be used in both formal and informal context.
Purchase is not used in informal context.
Buy is generally used with small products.
Purchase is generally used with large products.
Past Participle.
Past tense and past participle of buy are bought.
Past tense and past participle of purchase are purchased.
“Image 1” by Darwin Yamamoto from New York, USA – Flickr Uploaded by czar, (CC BY 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia.
“Image 2” (Public Domain) via Pixbay.
About the Author: Hasa.
Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.
Difference between “buy” and “purchase”
Are buy and purchase synonyms in every aspect/context of paying money?
What I thought that these terms were unit-based:
if you pay for a single unit (1 cigarette or 1 pkt cigarette), then it's buy if you pay for bulk (a truck load of cigarettes), then it's purchase.
In other words, purchase is for wholesale, buy is for retail.
Please correct me if this is completely wrong. Please provide the word for the situation for the same context I described.
10 Answers 10.
Buying and Purchasing :
are two terms that are often used interchangeably. The words essentially have the same meaning, but they do differ in context. However, in modern usage, they are considered as synonyms. Essentially, both the terms mean to acquire something against money. However, there is some difference between them, specifically regarding the contexts in which they may be used. Buying is considered a general term, which is most commonly used to refer to everyday goods and commodities, while, purchase is considered to be a more formal word than buy. Purchasing is often used to refer to contracts and big products, whereas buying is inferred for small products. For example: вЂI purchased a piece of land’ or вЂThe government purchased a huge defense contract.’ However, вЂI bought a new phone.’ Still, it must be noted that in daily usage, the terms are synonymous. For example: I bought a new book. I purchased a new book. Dictionary.com defines buy as: to acquire the possession of, or the right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, especially in money; purchase. and purchase as: to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent; buy.
As verbs, synonymous. You can "buy" or "purchase" one or many items. In ordinary conversation, most people use "buy", probably because it's shorter. "purchase" seems more formal. (In business, supplies are bought often via a Purchase Order. However, a "buy order" refers to an order to purchase shares of stock on stock market. There are also "sell orders" in the stock market, but I haven't encountered them in other fields of business, either.)
. As nouns, you can't always substitute "buy" for "purchase". For instance, if I say I bought some furniture, you could ask me "How much did that purchase cost you?" but not "how much did that buy cost you?". However, this is not enforced in business English, where you might hear reference to "a buy" (especially an "ad buy"). And if anyone tells you something was "a great buy", it means he got a great deal, that is, an excellent low price, a bargain.
Buy has one syllable and of Old English origin while purchase has two syllables and of Norman French origin. This leads people to use the former in slightly lower registers than the latter, though the effect is not strong (not as strong between a common and Latin name for a disease, for example) and so both will indeed be found in all registers.
There are some senses and phrases where one finds only one or the other, such as purchase as a (rare) legal term for any legal means of acquiring land other than inheritance, or buy being more likely to be paired with sell .
Aside from those minor differences though, the two verbs are pretty much synonymous.
The noun senses are less synonymous, in particular purchase can be used of both the act of purchasing and the item purchased, while buy only of the act of purchasing. Buy though is more likely to be used of a hypothetical purchase; "At that price it's a great buy". The difference in register is greater here too, with the newer 19th-Century Americanism (though long since absorbed into all forms of English) of noun buy being still rather informal.
Buy and purchase are completely synonymous. You can purchase one cigarette, just as you can buy ten thousand of them.
There is no single word for buying as a 'dealer'. You might refer to buying something in bulk , or buying something wholesale .
When you purchase a pair of shoes, you buy them. Purchase can refer to the act of buying or the thing you bought - When you buy furniture, food, a car, or candy, you purchase it. Unit vs bulk purchasing/buying: If you buy a pair of jeans at your neighborhood Chique Boutique, you’re buying/purchasing retail , but if you go to China and buy a boatload of jeans directly from the manufacturer, you’re buying/purchasing wholesale .
Which term to use isn't related to item quantity.
The difference is merely the level of formality. This however may result in the term "purchasing" being more commonly used by people in a business environment while "buy" may be perceived as a term mainly being used by consumers.
Using "purchase" in a private context makes one seem overly formal. However, both words can be used interchangeably.
Both of these examples are correct in terms of word usage even though they refer to a single unit:
I am going to purchase a car. I am going to buy a car.
Consider the expression bought and paid for. You may go into a shop and buy/purchase something by giving a cheque. The effectively means that you have promised to pay the retailer the money they want which can be obtained from your bank using the cheque which is a promissory note. Hopefully you have put money in the bank account, so that when the cheque is presented payment can be made. There is no difference between buying or purchasing something, however whichever you prefer to call it, neither is accomplished until the process in completed and payment has been made.
Perhaps there are websites that call a consumer a buyer and a wholesaler a purchaser, but there really is no difference in meaning between the two. A wholesaler buys two-hundred pieces of a product while a consumer might only purchase one. A dealer purchases one thousand phones and a consumer might only buy one. Totally interchangeable.
The difference would be functional; some answers alluded to securities and land. In the common law tradition, you often get what you bargained for. Technically you buy goods and you purchase a legal estate 1 yet it is always a sale . So it may have no direct bearing on how the words are used casually. 2 But it does showcase a fundamental division in property law between personal/movable property and real/immovable property. 3 Statutes will reflect that accordingly. Hence in commercial law , in relation to the sale of goods, you will usually find buy(er) (US: 1, 2; UK: 1) whereas in core laws dealing with real estate you will usually find purchaser (State of New York: 1&2; UK: 1). Such a division doesn't preclude other specialized meanings within individual instruments/legal areas. 4.
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