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п»їPlan ahead and introduce change gradually.
The most significant perturbations that are due to Ramadan fasting have been reported to occur in the first week of Ramadan. Therefore the appropriate coping strategy should be gradually introduced at least two weeks before the start of Ramadan.
Maintain the training stimulus (including both exercise load and/or intensity)
Training loads should be suitable to progress the required fitness and performance levels of the athletes, or should be similar to the training carried out in the lead up to the competition.
Train according to the time of competition.
If the time of competition is known, training sessions before a major event should be conducted at the same time of day at which the critical performance is scheduled. However, if the time of competition is not known, training sessions should be programmed in the morning to counteract a possible shift in the sleep wake cycle and its effect on sports performance.
Time training session based on its intensity.
Heavy training sessions should be scheduled either in the early evening (after breaking fast) or the late afternoon (close to the time of breaking fast), so that players can replenish their glycogen stores and rehydrate immediately after training. Technical or light training can be carried out at the usual time.
Eat well to train hard.
Where possible, move the schedule of exercise to a time of the day that best provides the appropriate nutrition support.
Make the most of important eating times.
Consider important nutrients.
Consider practical issues.
Adopted from Burke LM & King C (2012)
Remember to drink enough.
Acute hypohydration (dehydration) will occur during daylight hours especially during bouts of strenuous physical activity in the heat. Fluid intake should be monitored daily. Pre-training urine concentration and body mass should be checked in order to ascertain that individual athletes are not significantly dehydrated before training. It is suggested that individuals who are hypohydrated by 3% or more of usual body mass should not undertake strenuous, prolonged (about 60 min) exercise, especially in hot environments. Sensible dietary strategies that ensure adequate fluid intake especially just before dawn, coupled with behavioural adaptations that minimize daytime fluid losses before training will help preserve hydration status and physical performance. Athletes should be allowed cool water to rinse out their mouth, whenever they require, which will alleviate their thirst without breaking their daytime fast. Where possible, sweat loss should be minimised by reducing non-training activity, staying in the shade or air conditioned areas.
Rest well.
Sleep deprivation and disruption to the normal circadian cycles can adversely affect physical performance. In this period before Ramadan, athletes should progressively establish a new sleep-wake cycle, with regular sleeping and eating schedules that match that followed during Ramadan. Sleep loss should be minimised, and regular daytime naps may be required to sustain hard physical activity.
Monitor closely and seek for help when necessary.
Even modest decrements in performance could seriously affect an individual’s ability during an athletic event, therefore all athletes should be regularly monitored to ensure that mood and/or performance is not progressively deteriorating. These checks should be made on a daily basis from two weeks before Ramadan and throughout Ramadan. Any obvious loss of performance/playing ability should be reported to and investigated by the team scientific expert, doctor, physiotherapist, conditioning coach etc. A trained dietitian could help to monitor the energy and nutrient requirements of the athletes and to suggest suitable meals to be eaten. Athletes will vary greatly in their adaptability to coping strategies during fasting and training during Ramadan, and some may not be able to sustain their exercise performance during the RIF. This may affect team selection for a competition during or immediately following Ramadan.
Here’s How 15 Hardcore Athletes Train During Ramadan.
Competitive athletes from around the world tell us how they stay in fighting shape while fasting for Ramadan.
Posted on June 18, 2017, at 11:01 a.m. ET.
Ramadan takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar — the month when God, according to Islamic belief, revealed the Qur'an and when Muslims observe the practice of fasting. To fast, they abstain from food, drink, smoking, and intimate relations from sunrise until sundown; this summer that time span can last over 18 hours. At sunset, family and friends gather to break their fasts, replenishing their spiritual selves.
There are exceptions for those who are sick, elderly, pregnant, nursing, or traveling. But for many amateur and professional athletes, who can't take time off from training or competition for the full 30 days, participating in the ritual can prove tricky.
So how do those in the world of sports stay observant? This isn't a new question, but there's still a lot of misinformation out there on the subject. BuzzFeed News interviewed 15 Muslim athletes to learn why they fast, how their bodies handle thirst and exhaustion — and how they navigate the intensity of this important month.
1. Husain Abdullah.
Husain Abdullah is a former safety for the Kansas City Chiefs and Minnesota Vikings. Since retiring, he’s become an author and public speaker. He's proudly demonstrated his faith on the field (Abdullah famously received a penalty for a celebratory post-touchdown prostration) and relied on it to get him through Ramadan, during which he would fast and train. Hard. Like, NFL hard. And, of course, he also tweaked his day-to-day lifestyle. “While I was playing in the NFL I had to adjust my diet, workouts, and sleep schedule. It took a lot of preparation but Allah guided me through,” he told BuzzFeed News. During Ramadan, Abdullah stays away from greasy, fatty, and heavily seasoned foods. He also cuts out sweets, desserts, caffeine, sodas, and juices high in sugar. In fact, his fluid intake is centered around performance, recovery, and staying as hydrated as possible. He drinks alkaline water and coconut water for hydration, and pickle juice, Gatorade, and Pedialyte to keep his electrolytes balanced.
Abdullah’s strategies and faith came through. During his third year in the NFL, Abdullah fasted through training camp, participating in two practices a day. He outplayed two other competitors to win the starting safety position for the Minnesota Vikings — all while he was fasting.
2. Khadijah Diggs.
The month of Ramadan is triathlete Khadijah Diggs’ favorite time of the year. She says it is a reminder that being an athlete is a gift. Her favorite distance, and the one she used to qualify for Team USA, is the 70.3, which consists of a 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike ride, and a 13-mile run. During Ramadan she switches over to sprint triathlons, which, while shorter, are still hardcore (consisting of a half-mile swim, a 12-mile bike race, and 3.1-mile run). NBD but Diggs won first place in the Sweetwater Super Sprint in 2016. WHILE FASTING.
Diggs, who’s 48, says that the focus on fasting and prayer during Ramadan actually aids her training by helping her reflect on both her opportunities and responsibilities as an athlete.
As an endurance athlete who competes in events that require hours of exertion, Diggs’ main challenge during Ramadan is to maintain as much muscle mass as possible even while fasting. To do this, Diggs maintains her weight training schedule and preps her meals to make sure she’s getting the calories and protein she needs to fuel her training and recovery. She eats a hearty breakfast including eggs and pancakes with protein powder or toast with cheese and avocado. She also likes leftover Chinese food. (Who doesn’t?)
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