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Process of online driving license training 2564
[图: aHR0cHM6Ly9zLmlzYW5vb2suY29tL2F1LzAvdWQv...pwZw==.jpg]

Quickly introduce the procedure for online driving license training Completed as soon as possible within an hour, the results can be applied to apply for a new driver's license immediately

     Training for the renewal of a personal car driving license via DLT e-Learning online system of the Department of Land Transport For renewal of driver's license in advance not more than 90 days before the expiration date or in the case of driving license expires not more than 1 year with a total of 1 hour of training, in the case of driving license expires over 1 year, it takes a total of 2 hours to train. And must take an additional written or driving test, as the case may be

     The online driving license training process is as follows.

1. Open Browser, go to DLT e-Learning website, then select "Register" (if you have already registered Choose to log in using your ID card number and date of birth)

2. Fill in the registration information correctly.

3. Select "Pre-training test"

4. Answer quizzes based on understanding. (The system allows wrong answers)

5.Watch 1 hour of personal driving license training video (can not skip).

6. Take a test after the training (If you answer incorrectly, the system will show the correct answer)

7. Up the window "You are trained" then select "OK"

8. The system will show the results of training. Keep screen recordings for evidence. And then reserve the queue for servicing at the next transport office

     The results of the training will last a total of 90 days from the date of training.

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Process of online driving license training 2564 - by ritcha - 02-16-2021, 03:55 AM


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