05-12-2021, 04:13 PM
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05-12-2021, 04:13 PM
05-12-2021, 04:14 PM
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05-12-2021, 04:15 PM
05-12-2021, 04:15 PM
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Glory today announces the implementation of their CASHINFINITYв„ў back-office cash recycling solution across 26 Henderson owned stores in Northern Ireland. Championing the next generation of change agents. Amber also works on another project close to her heart, supporting women entering Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fields. GLORY Retains Position as Global Leader in Retail Cash Recycling Solutions According to Latest Research by RBR. New report from independent research company RBR confirms GLORY as the global leader in retail cash recycling solutions. Coventry Building Society Extends Relationship with GLORY. Coventry Building Society extends relationship with GLORY with further order for Teller Cash Recycler solutions and services. People Also Watch. ITOCHU TECHNO-SOLUTIONS CORP. Analyst Price Targets (3) Company Profile. Sector(s) : Industrials Industry : Specialty Industrial Machinery Full Time Employees : 9,696. Glory Ltd. develops, manufactures, sells, and maintains cash handling machines and systems. It operates through Overseas Market, Financial Market, Retail and Transportation Market, Amusement Market, and Others segments. It provides coin and banknote recyclers for tellers, banknote sorters, banknote and check deposit modules for ATMs, banknote counters, coin and banknote recyclers for cashiers, sales proceeds deposit machines, coin wrappers, open teller systems, coin recycling modules for ATMs, multi-functional banknote change dispensers, cash monitoring cabinets, security storage systems, key management systems, and banknote recycling modules for horse race ticket vending machines. The company also offers cash recyclers for gas stations, coin-operated lockers, ticket vending machines, cigarette vending machines, medical payment kiosks, RFID self-checkout systems for cafeterias, and ballot sorters for handwritten ballots; card systems for pachinko parlors, banknote conveyor systems, pachinko prize dispensing machines, pachinko ball counters for individual pachinko machines, membership management systems for pachinko parlors, and pachinko ball/token counters; and fingerprint and face recognition systems and system integrator services. It serves financial, retail, vending machine, amusement, and gaming industries in approximately 100 countries. The company was formerly known as Kokuei Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and changed its name to Glory Ltd. in 1971. The company was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in Himeji, Japan. 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