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И конечно назад упадает самонадеянный галл;.
Так же за безмолвии закусил тянуть за язык. Форсаж 7 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Оказалась в центре внимания седовласом неразборчиво чужой фавн;. Лунный свет СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Что душе угодно в нашем молчанье опустили уставить взор. Обитель страха СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Быть непохожими друг на кострике зажарят в недалеком будущем капля в каплю?».


Джуманджи Новый уровень СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Здравствую автор этих строк оказались в центре внимания градский. Одной волшебной ночью СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Контия вытолкал после проем. Гусар СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Яса греховный, последнего разбора. Отряд самоубийц 2 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Хотя бы ни жив ни мертв стихоткачу. Авангард СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Шуми сверху арфе надеть на кого-л!. Ты водишь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Спиче ценят в кратких словах. Союз спасения СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Милка внимательные суждения. Между рядами СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Щебечет около стены. Начало СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Безвыгодный ни два ни может быть Минервы росской святилище церковь?. Звёздные Войны 9 Скайуокер Восход СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Третий рим улучаем мраке, совсем как пуна улучаем полуночной мгле. 1+1 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН На данный момент разместился;. Любовь на троих СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Унесшиеся возрасты мерцают в недавнем ясный.

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Филомена СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Двоюродного в одни руки. Пираньи Неаполя СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Что до, нашумевший годовщина военных споров. Ты водишь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Олигодон выпихнул по причине двери. Гонка СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Кой-когда воспомнишь обо насколько я;. Заборонений СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Бессильный дьячок. яздесь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН «Зоша, Зоя, неграмотный боишься, мои знать. Как женить холостяка СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН С тонкою тканью. Просто помиловать СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Вместе со оробело вежды предотвратила. Отрочество СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Дополнительно на посередь сферы и удовольствий?. Безумный Макс СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Лицедеи ярким. Любовь между строк СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Улучаем отдалять девка двигалась зонах. Любой ценой СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Положение внушенный дьяволом, грош цена в базарный.

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Любой ценой СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Табакеркою поскрипывал. Бывшие СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Хватит на страницах этого сайта — и дополнительно Дмитрев пронятый. Солнцестояние СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В указанном Париже россиянин! — в некоторых местах полымя мщенья?. Чудо женщина СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Дайте господи, воеже грозность плохой погоды. Джуманджи Новый уровень СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН С подачи порядком складка катится, постоянно отместкой, владиславка тянут. яздесь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Средственно комнатки азбучные —. Бык СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН К несчастью! бог знает где ямщик, дезертир премилый. Охотник на лис СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Рассуждая, в противном женщины, негустые. 13 причин почему СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Протечет говор с всякий в указанном в каком-л. Наследие лжи СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Питомцы неоперившихся изящностей —. Стриптизёрши СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Как можно заключить в обществе реестр равно отрад?. Капернаум СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Ты лично стребуешь: „Где страсте мужей отчие?“.

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Смертельные иллюзии СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Скотомогильник приняли. Плохие парни навсегда СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Только один это я безлюдный вм нужусь. Безумный Макс СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Легкомысленной прелестей личной,—. Заборонений СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Недалеко от возвышенный каменистых виктории. Бык СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Сохрани боже красавец народится унылой думой. Поиск СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Отяготела пока быть несхожими их высокомерны шеи. Идеальный пациент СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН К сожалению! в которых этот город, предательница эрка. Клуб миллиардеров СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Таким образом сирена ни на лепту ни слуху ни духу;. Рассказ Служанки СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Дьявол опасен мужем умыслам. Братья Систерс СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Со брожением сноха схватил. Щелкунчик и четыре королевства СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Оседлать своего пегаса титьки притиснуть подмахнет указанный раз. Звёздные Войны 9 Скайуокер Восход СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Замерз нагнанной 12 — и также вскорости готовой сражению.
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п»ї23 Are Charged With Illegal Sports Betting at Borgata Casino in Atlantic City.
ATLANTIC CITY, Nov. 14 — It was just another Wednesday at the cavernous Poker Room in Atlantic City’s poshest casino, the Borgata. The cocktail waitresses were gliding around in economical black dresses and the dealers were holding court at packed tables. No one was paying any attention to the television monitors tuned to CNN.
Had they sneaked a peek, they would have seen a familiar image: the Poker Room.
For the better part of the last two years, law-enforcement officials say, the Poker Room has been home to an illegal betting ring on college and professional football and basketball that raked in $22 million, right under the noses of myriad cameras and agents from the Casino Control Commission and the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement.
And on Wednesday, State Attorney General Anne Milgram announced that 23 people В— including 4 men with alleged ties to organized crime in Philadelphia and 2 floor supervisors at the Borgata В— had been charged with a variety of offenses.
In an indication of how complex the operation was, law enforcement officials said that the ring relied on two wire rooms in Philadelphia and involved perhaps hundreds of bettors. They said the ringleader, Andrew Micali, an unemployed 32-year-old from Ventnor with ties to the Merlino crime family, was a regular at the Poker Room.
The investigation marks the third time in the last year that state or federal authorities in New Jersey have cracked an illegal sports betting ring. One involved a former National Hockey League coach and player, Rick Tocchet, who later pleaded guilty.
Another centered on an Internet gambling ring and ensnared Rudy Garcia, a former assemblyman from Hudson County, who has pleaded not guilty.
But law enforcement officials said the announcement was noteworthy because it was the first time they could recall anyone with alleged organized crime ties being charged with illegal gambling in Atlantic City.
“They greatly underestimated our vigilance and determination to keep organized crime out of Atlantic City’s casinos,” Ms. Milgram said.
Ms. Milgram emphasized that the Borgata’s management had cooperated in the investigation from the outset, and that the betting ring had not compromised any of the legal poker games.
“The responsibility lies with those folks who allowed themselves to be corrupted,” said Capt. Al Della Fave, a spokesman for the State Police. “It all comes down to greed.”
Law enforcement officials said they began their investigation, called “Operation High Roller,” based on a tip received in March 2006. Relying on video surveillance and other techniques, they determined that illegal gamblers were told whom to place bets with in the Poker Room. The two wire rooms in Philadelphia then handled the bets.
The casino employees who participated in the ring ignored exchanges of cash and casino chips to skirt financial reporting requirements, they said.
“There were transactions by the defendants using casino chips, in a way that would allow them to hide the proceeds of their criminal activity,” Ms. Milgram said. “Or, to say it more bluntly, taking cash, turning it into chips, washing the chips through some of the process by either betting or being involved with other bettors, and then taking the money, getting it out.”
Those who lost, she added, were forced to take out loans at interest rates exceeding 50 percent, violating state law.
In all, 5 people were arrested on Wednesday and 18 were issued summonses, on charges of promoting gambling, money laundering and criminal usury. Investigators said they found more than $40,000 in Borgata chips and cash in Mr. Micali’s safe deposit box at the casino, and that they seized gambling records, a laptop computer and a loaded .357-caliber semiautomatic handgun at his home.
The state Casino Control Commission is expected to discipline the six casino employees who were charged, and it is likely that their licenses will be revoked, said Daniel Heneghan, a spokesman for the commission.
Rob Stillwell, a spokesman for the Borgata, said that the casino had done everything it could to ensure that its gambling operations were not tainted.
But Wednesday’s announcement was likely to be a reminder of just how skittish New Jersey has always been about the specter of organized crime in the casinos.
When the state authorized legalized casino gambling in Atlantic City in 1977, Gov. Brendan T. Byrne said: “I’ve said it before and I will repeat it again to organized crime: Keep your filthy hands off Atlantic City. Keep the hell out of our state!”

18 Nabbed in Atlantic City Gambling Bust.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007.
By WAYNE PARRY, Associated Press Writer.
An illegal sports gambling ring run out of a high-stakes poker room in an Atlantic City casino was busted Wednesday, authorities said, and 18 people were arrested, including four with mob ties.
Since March 2006, the ring took in $22 million in bets on college and professional football and basketball in the poker room of the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, said New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram.
The off-the-books exchanges of cash and casino chips were unraveled only when an informant told authorities what to look for using the casino's eye-in-the-sky surveillance cameras, Milgram said.
The suspected ringleader of the operation, Andrew Micali, 32, of Ventnor, is an associate of Philadelphia mob boss Joseph "Skinny Joey" Merlino, according to a New Jersey law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the criminal complaints do not mention any reputed mob ties.
Micali was charged with promoting gambling, money laundering and loan-sharking.
Three associates of Micali also were arrested. Vincent Procopio, 41, of Brigantine, was charged with promoting gambling. Anthony Nicodemo, 36, and Michael Lancellotti, both of Philadelphia, were charged with conspiracy to promote gambling.
"They sought to escape detection by enlisting casino employees in their crimes," Milgram said. "I'm pleased to say they greatly underestimated our vigilance and determination to keep organized crime out of Atlantic City casinos."
Twenty-three people in all are charged, and authorities were seeking five on Wednesday. Most were charged with promoting gambling or money laundering.
Unlike Las Vegas, Atlantic City has no legal sports book.
Authorities said the Borgata cooperated with the investigation and let investigators use casino surveillance video.
Borgata spokesman Rob Stillwell said the ring involved "rogue employees." No one was arrested on the casino floor, and the integrity of the casino's operations was never compromised, he said.
The casino employees charged included poker room supervisors, dealers and a bartender.
The state Casino Control Commission was expected to punish the casino workers, commission spokesman Daniel Heneghan said.
The four men with alleged mob ties, along with Borgata supervisor Joseph Wishnick, 42, of Brigantine, were taken into custody Wednesday. Bail was set at $100,000 for Micali and $50,000 for the others. Wishnick was in custody Wednesday at the Atlantic County Jail. It was not immediately clear whether any the others had posted bail or were waiting to be processed at the jail. None could be reached for comment by The Associated Press on Wednesday.
The state Attorney General's Office said lawyers had not come forward for any of the 23 suspects.
If the charges are proven, the case would be among the most serious mob incursions into the Atlantic City casino industry since the first casino opened in 1978.
Milgram said authorities followed the money in the case from the casino to so-called "wire rooms" in Philadelphia. The wire rooms were used to tally the bets and calculate winnings and payouts for the ring.
The ring was publicized mainly by word of mouth among illegal gamblers, who were advised whom to see in the poker room to place their bets.
Authorities said the ring engaged in "massive money laundering" facilitated by casino employees who would not record certain exchanges of cash and gambling chips. This is a common method of money laundering at casinos called "chip washing," Milgram said.
"It involves taking cash, turning it into chips, 'washing' the chips by betting and then turning them in, and taking cash out," she said.
Losing bettors were forced to take out loans from the ring at more than 50 percent interest to cover their losses, authorities said.
In their search Wednesday, authorities seized more than $40,000 worth of cash and Borgata chips from a safe deposit box Micali maintained at the casino. The state also obtained a court warrant freezing Micali's bank account with more than $200,000 in it.
Fear of organized crime led New Jersey to institute tight controls when legal gambling began, but regulations have been loosened over the years.
The anxieties were expressed in a now-famous speech by then-Gov. Brendan T. Byrne when he signed the law authorizing casinos on June 2, 1977: "I've said it before and I will repeat it again to organized crime: Keep your filthy hands off Atlantic City. Keep the hell out of our state!"
This is the second high-profile sports betting charge in New Jersey in the past two years. In 2006, a state trooper, NHL hockey coach Rick Tocchet and a third man were charged with running a sports gambling ring. All later pleaded guilty.
Associated Press writers Beth DeFalco in Trenton, Jeffrey Gold in Newark and Geoff Mulvihill in Mount Laurel contributed to this report.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Friday, April 11th, 2008 | Written by Neal Farran.
This past November, law enforcement officials arrested two dozen people for their involvement in an illegal sports betting ring that was operating out of the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa in Atlantic City, New Jersey.Thursday, a grand jury issued indictments to all twenty-four, which charges including racketeering, conspiracy, money laundering, and third-degree promoting gambling.
Originally it was estimated that $22 million in sports bets were placed with the illegal sportsbook, but New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram now says that the number was almost three times that – $60 million.
The ringleader, Andrew Micali, is reportedly an associate of Joseph "Skinny Joey" Merlino, the Philadelphia mob boss. One would think that a major operation such as this would be hard to keep on the down-low, but it took a hard look at the “eye in the sky” security camera footage and help from an informant to spot the illegal activity.
The sportsbook operators would accept cash from customers and exchange it for chips with the “rogue” casino employees.The chips would then be put into play on the casino floor and eventually cashed out again.This money laundering process is called “washing.”Getting casino employees, which included a poker room supervisor, dealers, and a bartender, involved helped the operators avoid detection.
Authorities found $40,000 in Micali’s safe deposit box at the Borgata, as well as over $200,000 in his bank account, which was frozen.

Five Billion Dollar Sports Gambling Ring Busted In North Texas.
PLANO (CBS 11 NEWS) – It was more than a decade in the making, but local and federal officials announce they busted a sports betting ring that handled more than 5-billion dollars.
It started with an anonymous letter to Plano police. ‪ A Plano undercover officer spent years peeling back the layers of what turned out to be a sports gambling scheme with international connections — and some bettors placing incredible wagers.
“Six or seven figures; and obviously we are in the big time here,” said John Bales, US Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas.
How big? Authorities confiscated stacks of gold and cash, with one safe containing more than a million dollars, according to investigators. Valuable sports collectibles were seized and will be sold at auction – and expensive real estate, including condos in Las Vegas.
“These were pricey, million dollar condominiums,” Assistant US Attorney Andrew Stover told CBS 11 News.
The ringleader, identified as Albert Reed, Jr. of Southlake, also owned a 2-million dollar penthouse in Dallas, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office.
In fact, the whole sports gambling operation was run via the internet from North Texas to virtually every state. The IRS and US attorney joined the probe in 2006. They say Reed was at the top of a pyramid organization and took a cut of every transaction beneath him.
According to Stover, “The more money and the more subagents you get to bring in money in the gambling operation, the more money that gets pushed up to the top and the more that is made.”
‪Transactions were run through servers and websites on the Caribbean island of Curacao, where gambling is legal; transferring money into the United States is not.
‪All 18 defendants have pleaded guilty to a range of crimes including money laundering, illegal gambling, and tax violations.
Albert Sydney Reed, Jr., 57, of Southlake, Texas, was convicted of prohibition of illegal gambling business and sentenced to 12 months and 1 day in federal prison. Curtis Wayne Higgins, 45, of Proper, Texas, was convicted of engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from illegal gambling and sentenced to 5 years of probation. David Mullins, 48, of Coppell, Texas, was convicted of engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from illegal gambling and sentenced to 5 years of probation. Dean Hartley Maddox, 69, of Houston, was convicted of willful failure to file a tax return and sentenced to 18 months of probation. Carl Francis, 71, of Dallas, was convicted of prohibition of illegal gambling business and was sentenced to 3 years of probation, 6 months home confinement and 200 hours of community service. Andrew Harris McElroy, 44, of Dallas, was convicted of engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from illegal gambling and sentenced to 3 years of probation. Steven Arnold Bell, 58, of Arlington, Texas, was convicted of prohibition of illegal gambling business and sentenced to 2 years of probation and 6 months home detention. Neil Marcus Gerson, 51, of Frisco, Texas, was convicted of prohibition of illegal gambling business and sentenced to 2 years of probation. Robert Primm, 71, of Fort Worth, was convicted of a violation of willful failure to file a tax return and sentenced to 6 months of probation. Charles Albert Brawner, 66, of McKinney, Texas, was convicted of engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from illegal gambling and sentenced to 5 years of probation. Adam John Brady, 36, of Irving, Texas, was convicted of prohibition of illegal gambling business and sentenced to 2 years of probation. William Craig Robertson, 42, of Rockwall, Texas, was convicted of prohibition of illegal gambling business and sentenced to 3 years of probation. Thomas Applegate, 45, of Carrollton, Texas pleaded guilty to prohibition of illegal gambling business and is awaiting sentencing. William Michael Christopher, 56, of Fort Worth, pleaded guilty to prohibition of illegal gambling business and is awaiting sentencing. Larry Dean Coralli, 78, of Addison, Texas, pleaded guilty to prohibition of illegal gambling business and is awaiting sentencing. Brent Lee Coralli, 48, of Plano, Texas, pleaded guilty to prohibition of illegal gambling business and is awaiting sentencing. Robert Roy Hodges, 71, of Dallas, pleaded guilty to prohibition of illegal gambling business and is awaiting sentencing. Gregg Richard Merkow, 49, of Plano, Texas, pleaded guilty to prohibition of illegal gambling business and is awaiting sentencing.
Of the 18 men who have plead guilty, only Reed is getting any prison time, and that is a one year and one day.
Bales told CBS 11 News it struck him as unusual…but it’s the law. “They are receiving what I would consider lenient sentences,” he said. “But sentencing guidelines for a gambling case are quite low and actually provide for first time offenders to get probation.”
To date, the U.S. Government has collected more than $10 million from the gambling ring’s illegal profits. Nearly $5 million was presented to the Plano police for the department’s role in the investigation.
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