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п»ї2020 NHL Playoffs: Stanley Cup Odds, NHL Betting Tips, Picks and Advice.
Matt Schmitto (schmitto)
Created 8 months ago, Last Updated 6 months ago.
The NHL and its players have agreed to return to the ice for games on Aug. 1 , with training camps opening on July 13. The unprecedented 24-team postseason tournament agreed upon will take place in two hub cities in Canada.
Hockey fans last saw teams on the ice on March 11, the day before the NHL suspended play indefinitely due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. March Madness was canceled entirely, leaving sports bettors with little to watch outside of eSports, Korean baseball, and golf.
1 Legal Online Sportsbooks Where You Can Bet the NHL Playoffs 2 2020 NHL Playoff Format 3 NHL Futures: Updated Stanley Cup Betting Odds 4 2018-2019 Futures Recap 5 NHL Futures Betting Tips 6 2020 Stanley Cup Betting Picks 7 Betting NHL Props 8 How to Bet NHL Futures and Props.
The NHL, NBA, and MLB all have plans to resume near the end of July. Unlike the NBA, the NHL has canceled the remainder of the season entirely and will begin five-game series for 5-12 seeds in each conference. Western Conference teams will convene in Edmonton while Eastern Conference teams face off in Toronto. The conference finals will then take place in Edmonton followed by the Stanley Cup Final.
The NHL will make up for the lost time by providing hockey fans with jam-packed days of games. The Stanley Cup Qualifiers will begin with roughly 15 consecutive hours of action on the ice. If you aren’t excited yet, just look at the first day of games scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 1:
12 PM ET: Rangers vs. Hurricanes.
3 PM ET: Blackhawks vs. Oilers.
4 PM ET: Panthers vs. Islander s.
8 PM ET: Canadiens vs. Penguins.
10:30 PM ET: Jets vs. Flames.
Follow along as we break down the unique NHL Playoff format, show where to bet on the NHL playoffs, review NHL futures and Stanley Cup betting odds, and look at some NHL betting tips as we get closer to Aug. 1.
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2020 NHL Playoff Format.
Instead of its standard 16-team bracket, NHL will include 24 teams this postseason, giving teams like the Montreal Canadiens an unexpected opportunity.
With standings and stats frozen as of March 11, the top four teams in each conference, ranked by points percentage, will get a first-round bye. These teams won’t be getting additional rest or practice, though. While the other 16 teams will be competing in a best-of-five qualifying round, the top four teams in each conference will play each other to determine seeding. After the play-in round, the Stanley Cup Playoffs will proceed with 16 teams battling in best-of-seven series. There will be re-seeding after each round, as the highest seed plays the lowest seed in each conference.
Eastern Conference Byes.
Boston Bruins Tampa Bay Lighting Washington Capitals Philadelphia Flyers.
Western Conference Byes.
St. Louis Blues Colorado Avalanche Vegas Golden Knights Dallas Stars.
Eastern Conference Play-in Matchups.
No. 5 Pittsburgh Penguins vs. No. 12 Montreal Canadiens No. 6 Carolina Hurricanes vs. No. 11 New York Rangers No. 7 New York Islanders vs. No. 10 Florida Panthers No. 8 Toronto Maple Leafs vs. No. 9 Columbus Blue Jackets.
Western Conference Play-in Matchups.
No. 5 Edmonton Oilers vs. No. 12 Chicago Blackhawks No. 6 Nashville Predators vs. No. 11 Arizona Coyotes No. 7 Vancouver Canucks vs. No. 10 Minnesota Wild No. 8 Calgary Flames vs. No 9 Winnipeg Jets.
Even more exciting for sports fhans.
NHL Futures: Updated Stanley Cup Betting Odds.
An NHL futures bet is a wager made on the future results of an NHL season. For example, shortly after the St. Louis Blues polished off the Boston Bruins to win the 2019 Stanley Cup, the odds rolled out on a few of the most popular NHL futures bets: the 2020 Eastern Conference winner, the 2020 Western Conference winner and of course, the 2020 Stanley Cup champion. Odds have changed over the course of the season, and so have the circumstances. Sportsbooks initially suspended NHL futures action once the season came to a halt. However, that has changed now that the NHL is coming closer to finalizing a plan to deliver the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
Online sports betting sites quickly adjusted odds for the format when it was first released nearly a month ago. Here’s what the updated Stanley Cup odds look like at PointsBet:
Odds are accurate as of July 7, 2020.
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2018-2019 Futures Recap.
No one can forget the St. Louis Blues’ improbable run in 2019 to win the franchise’s first Stanley Cup championship.
So what’s the lesson hockey bettors can take away from last year’s Stanley Cup champions?
NHL Futures Betting Tips.
Historically, longshots in the NHL have had more success than those in other sports like the NBA. In fact, in back-to-back years bettors were able to grab 300-1 and 250-1 odds, respectively, on teams that made it to the Stanley Cup Finals.
As author Michael Maubossin points out in The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing , using data from the five major sports, hockey outcomes were the most reliant on luck. Nate Silver has echoed similar sentiments, saying hockey was the hardest to predict.
The chaos in hockey is what makes its playoffs one of the most exciting to watch. With 24 teams included this year and a long hiatus between competitive play, the Stanley Cup Playoffs could prove to be as chaotic as ever. This won’t scare sharp bettors from betting on the Stanley Cup Playoffs, though. Instead, they’ll embrace variance and harness uncertainty to use to their advantage.
Additional NHL Futures Bets.
If your NHL Stanley Cup futures don’t go as planned, here are some other NHL futures you can start prepping for next season.
Prince of Wales Trophy (Eastern Conference champion) Clarence S. Campbell Bowl (Western Conference champion) Presidents’ Trophy (NHL team with the most regular-season points) Conn Smythe Trophy (most valuable player to his team in the playoffs) Hart Memorial Trophy (most valuable player to his team in the regular season) Art Ross Trophy (player with the most points at the end of the regular season) Calder Memorial Trophy (best rookie during regular season) Vezina Trophy (best goalie during regular season) James Norris Memorial Trophy (best defenseman during regular season) Maurice Richard Trophy (player with the most regular-season goals)
2020 Stanley Cup Betting Picks.

NHL Betting Odds.
The 2020-21 NHL season started in January 2021, which means it’s time to start looking at major teams and their odds to win the NHL Stanley Cup. NHL predictions are a little unique this year due to adjustments to the overall season length and team count due to COVID-19.
Current NHL Stanley Cup Odds.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NHL 2020-21 league has been significantly shortened. While most NHL leagues last from October to April before moving into playoffs that last until June, this year’s season will instead have just 56 games for its regular season. The top four teams in each division will eventually qualify for the playoffs.
Because of this, oddsmakers have adjusted their predictions for who will be the upcoming season’s champions. As NHL betting odds for the finals are calculated at the beginning of each season, the Colorado Avalanche currently have the best odds of winning the NHL championship for the 2021 Stanley Cup at two major sportsbooks: DraftKings and FanDuel.
The Golden Knights come in second, although it’s worth noting that both teams were eliminated from the 2019-20 Stanley Cup by the Dallas Stars. These odds will change throughout the season based on a variety of factors.
Time will tell whether the current favorite teams retain their lead or if things change up significantly over the course of the shortened season.
Which States Offer NHL Betting Odds.
The majority of big legal sportsbooks in the US allow NHL betting. This lets hockey fans to place wagers on NHL lines provided that their state has legalized online or retail sportsbooks.
Currently, almost two dozen states have some form of legal sports betting, either at retail sportsbooks or online sports betting sites. Nevada, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania were some of the earliest states. More recently, Colorado, Michigan, and Illinois launched online betting, whereas states like New York have retail sportsbooks but no online betting. Other states, such as Virginia and Oregon look like they could launch sports betting in 2021.
For an overview of where you can bet in the US, check out our guide on US Sports Betting Apps.
Sportsbooks With The Best Hockey Odds.
Fortunately, the differences between the odds provided by most major sportsbooks aren’t that severe. Major sportsbooks such as DraftKings and FanDuel provide odds using legitimate linemakers or oddsmakers: statistical professionals who work hard to provide fair sports betting wagers for both sides in a given match.
However, it’s important to remember that larger, more established sportsbooks may have more “player-friendly” odds to offer. Since oddsmakers create odds specifically to split the action between both sides of a match, they never make odds based on what they personally think the outcome will be.
Big sportsbooks may produce odds using official league data (a fact that may be advertised on the sportsbook itself) to determine fun, entertaining wagers for underdog bettors and favorite bettors.
NHL Playoffs Betting Odds.
Since the playoffs and finals games are some ways away, the odds for the NHL playoffs will be adjusted throughout the year. The NHL season has been limited to 24 teams due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Betting odds have now reflected this and some teams may have abnormally high ratings compared to last season.
You can place futures wagers using most major mobile sportsbooks. These bets must be placed at some point before the playoffs, though the wagers themselves and their associated odds are often released as early as August.
If you lose, you’ll lose both your original $10 bet plus another $75.
These playoff odds are constantly updated as teams go through winning streaks or losing streaks and as different players are traded, become injured, or are otherwise affected during the season.
NHL Playoff Series Odds.
NHL playoff series odds are separated into two major types: odds about which teams will make it into the playoffs and which teams will win the playoffs.
Obviously, the first set of wagers will be released early in the NHL season (sometime in January or February 2021). This allows bettors to make predictions about which teams will make it to the playoff games.
The second set of wagers will be released immediately before and during the playoffs. NHL series odds will be constantly adjusted as different teams either progress through the brackets or are eliminated.
There will also be prop bets around playoff series, such has how many games the Avalanche might win in a certain round of the playoffs or how many goals are scored during a series.
NHL Game Odds.
Players will find a variety of different NHL game lines on which to place wagers throughout the season. Here are a few examples:
NHL Moneylines – Moneyline bets are popular across most professional sports leagues. Players can simply focus on picking the winner. Payouts are adjusted to account for team inequity (i.e. you’ll make more money betting on the underdog than the reverse) NHL Futures – Players can place NHL futures bets based on future events. These are usually wagers surrounding the Stanley Cup winner or those who make the playoffs. You’ll get more money by betting earlier in the season than later since the NHL futures odds become less risky as time goes on NHL Spreads – Also called NHL puck line bets, these allow players to “bet the spread”. Basically, players wager on which team will win a game based on the spread of points necessary for a payout. This allows players to enjoy wagering action even when betting on the underdog team since it’s harder to win money by placing bets on the favorite.
All odds are posted with negative values representing the odds or spread for the favorite team while positive values represent the spread for the underdog team.
During an NHL game, certain events can affect game odds both during the match itself and the odds leading up to game day. These include:
If a player is injured Both teams’ prior victory and loss records Coach changes Player trading Whether a team is playing at their home stadium.
NHL Live Odds.
Some of the best sportsbooks will offer in-play or live betting, though not all of them do this for the NHL. In-play betting allows you to place wagers on events that are occurring or are likely to occur during a live game. Many top-tier sportsbooks will even let you live stream game footage as you place your wagers.
For NHL in-play bets, all the live betting odds are calculated from the pre-match odds that are then considered with the current score, plus additional factors such as injured players, the time remaining, and so on. Thus, in-play bets are still heavily connected to pre-match odds.
Placing an in-game bet is quick and easy with most sportsbooks that provide this feature:
Find the game you are watching, either on a TV or through your mobile app if it provides a live streaming service Pull up your betting slip and select the tab or section that says “live betting” You’ll find a selection of NHL wagers to place regarding the current game. Odds should update automatically and consistently Place your wager using your normal betting slip and see how things turn out.
Placing NHL Prop Bets.
NHL prop bets are usually released by major sportsbooks close to the postseason marker. For this season, that might be around May, as the playoffs are expected to begin around this time, with the finals games occurring sometime in July.
FAQs – NHL Odds And Picks.
Yes, in certain states. Note the list of states with legalized sports betting above to determine if you can partake in sports wagers for the NHL season.
All major sportsbooks have their own oddsmakers that set odds to win the NHL championship and Stanley Cup. However, sportsbooks will also sometimes take other books’ odds into account, so most books end up with pretty similar odds for major events like the championship.
You can place NHL future bets for the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs and final match up a few weeks prior to the beginning of the season.
Check your favorite sportsbook websites for updated odds on the 2021 NHL season this year. You can also check sports betting resources like Gaming Today.
Some of them do. DraftKings and FanDuel often have draft pick odds prior to a season’s start.
Yes. DraftKings offers play-friendly NHL odds before and throughout the season.
Yes. FanDuel offers live sports betting for both the NHL and other professional sports leagues like football, basketball, and more.

NHL Lines.
A good NHL player knows the various types of bets available and how each of them works. Gone are the days where you could only place a wager on who would win the match. Most of the sportsbook platforms today offer several options when it comes to betting.
But before we talk about the different bet types available in the National Hockey League, we want you to understand something important. You don’t have to make all of these bets just because there are various types to choose from. You can start with only one kind of bet and then try others if you see an opportunity.
Also, a bet does not have to be complicated to be profitable. Anyone can be successful in NHL betting without trying the other ways to bet. Your success as a bettor relies on how you use your knowledge and make informed wagering decisions based on that.
With that said, let’s take a look at the various bets you can make in NHL lines today.
The most common and popular type of bet in NHL (National Hockey League) sports betting is the moneyline bet. This category of betting is where a person places a bet on who will win a game. You win the bet when the team you chose wins the match.
However, these moneyline bets have different payouts. Sportsbooks will pay bettors less money for making the right pick on an NHL team that is favored to win by oddsmakers. On the other hand, betting on the underdog will net you more money.
Just remember that this is just the rule of thumb. NHL lines can still change depending on how other people decide to bet.
What’s important is that bettors understand that the money they earn is based on the probability of a team winning. It’s not possible to get even money on all of the bets you make. Moneyline bets in the NHL operate the same way as in other major sports like in the NBA, NFL, MLB, NASCAR, UFC, and even in some esports.
Sports betting on puck lines work the same as a moneyline. The main difference here is that a team has to win by more than 1.5 goals or lose by fewer than that.
Teams that are the favorite have to win by more than 1.5 goals in a puck line bet. Meanwhile, the underdog can lose the game by 1.5 goals or fewer and still win the wager made on them. The NHL odds for payout will be adjusted but not as much as a moneyline.
Check out this example below:
Let’s say the Tampa Bay Lightning has a matchup against the New York Rangers. The Lightning squad is considered the favorite sitting at -220 on the moneyline. The following puck line betting odds for this setup are as follows:
Betting on the Lightning on the puck line will net you higher than even money. Since there are no half goals in the NHL, they need to win their match by at least two goals for you to win the bet.
Now that you know what a puck line bet looks like, we can compare its payouts with a moneyline bet to see how they differ.
Let’s say you bet $100 on the Lightning on the moneyline. If you win, you’d get $45.45 in profit. The team only has to win their game for you to win the bet.
On the other hand, betting on the Lightning via the puck line will get you a $133 in profit. However, the Lightning must win their match by at least two goals for your bet to win.
See the difference? You’ll be getting way more money when you bet on favorites with a puck line. The only catch is that your team has to win equal or more than the set amount of goals.
Making a puck line bet is great if you believe a team will win decisively. If you think they are just going to squeak past a win, then you’re better off going the moneyline.
An over/under in the NHL is a wager on whether or not a team can achieve a certain amount of total goals. In other sports betting categories, this designated number can change, yet the payout odds remain the same.
In the NHL, this over/under line will always be 5.5 goals, with the payout betting odds shifting to accommodate line changes.
Take for example the over/under odds for the Edmonton Oilers and the Montreal Canadiens are as follows:
As you can see, each total is presented as half goal numbers, which is done to prevent ties. If there’s a good chance that more goals are going to be scored in the match, the payout odds will scale to pay better for those betting on the under. If fewer, the odds will change to pay more for the over. The over/under number will always stay at 5.5.
To win in this kind of bet, the bettor must precisely predict the total number of goals in a game for the two teams. It doesn’t matter if one side wins, goalies score all of the goals, or if both teams score. What matters is the total number of goals that are scored.
If you choose the right side, then you win the bet.
This is a proposition bet with a wager included. If you bet that a friend won’t be able to finish their drink in 10 seconds, then you’ve made a prop bet. Prop bets, just like parlay bets, are quite fun and can also be a source of profit when done right.
There are plenty of prop betting options sportsbooks offer on NHL games. In fact, there are two categories for it – skilled and unskilled.
In skilled prop bets, these are bets that let you use your knowledge on stats and experience to improve your chances of winning. On the other hand, unskilled prop bets are pretty much just left up to chance. It doesn’t matter how informed you are, the chances of choosing a winning side won’t change.
If you want to be profitable, you might want to stick to skilled prop bets. The unskilled prop bets are more for fun than for gaining money.
Keep in mind that sportsbooks won’t tell you the difference between a skilled and unskilled prop bet. You will have to figure this one out for yourself.
There are different kinds of prop bets. The options you can choose from will depend on the sportsbook site you’re with and what they decide to offer for each match.
One example of a popular unskilled prop bet in the NHL is which team gets to score first. With this kind of bet, the only thing that matters is which team gets to put the puck in the net first.
An example of a skilled prop bet would be betting on the team that gets the most goals in a certain period. Some squads like to take it slow on ice time while others try to go for the power play as soon as possible. Knowing which NHL lineups like doing what can help you make an informed decision when placing this kind of bet.
This type of bet is where you place a wager as early as the start of the season or playoffs to wager on their outcomes. The payouts for future bets can be very lucrative as they are not easy to get right.
At the beginning of the season, can you already tell which team is going to win the Stanley Cup? If yes, then you stand to gain a lot of cash through NHL hockey futures betting.
What makes future bets awesome is that you aren’t limited to just the start of a season or playoff. Many sportsbooks let you put future bets at any time throughout the season.
The main difference is that the betting lines are going to change to show which team has the highest chance to win the Stanley Cup. A team that has a hot streak will have a lower payout due to being the favorite by oddsmakers to win the Cup.
Below is an example of how an NHL futures betting list would look like:
One crucial thing to remember in futures bets is its impact on your available funds. You see, you can’t access any of your winnings until the end of the season if you do win a futures bet. This should be pretty straightforward since you’ll be betting on an outcome that may or may not happen by the end of the playoffs.
Adding futures betting to your arsenal is a big deal as the payout for it can be hefty if you choose right. Even better is that you can bet on several other teams if you wish. With the increased payouts, you can still come out profitable so long as the team you pick wins the Stanley Cup.
Betting on NHL odds and lines can be super fun and lucrative as long as you know what you’re doing. Whether you want to become a professional bettor or just want to be entertained, the information we’ve provided should make you familiar enough about betting in the NHL.
If this is your first time learning about all these, don’t be overwhelmed. Take time to re-read any sections and absorb as much knowledge as you can. You can even hit up a betting podcast to learn how the pros do it. The more you understand how NHL betting works, the more successful you can be.

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