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Chiefs vs. Bucs Super Bowl Pick ATS.
The Zman likes the Kansas City Chiefs to win and get the spread cover in Super Bowl LV. See what he’s banking here!
Super Bowl 55 Pick: Chiefs vs. Bucs.
NFL Handicapper Ted Walker is betting on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to win Super Bowl 55. Read his detailed reasoning here.
Super Bowl LV Total Pick.
The No. 2 and the No. 5 scoring offenses will battle it out in Super Bowl LV, so it’s no surprise that the books have set the O/U line at 56.5. NFL handicapper Jay Horne explains which side of the line holds the betting value.
Super Bowl LV Best Prop Bets.
Winning and losing is always the main focus when it comes to placing football bets, but with the Super Bowl, it’s just as much about “having fun.” Most bettors will let it all hang out on Super Bowl Sunday with a ton of prop bets. Win, lose or draw, it’s ok to have a good time once a year. Check out Loot’s favorite Super Bowl LV prop bets.
Bills vs. Chiefs Prop Bets.
With a short point spread and no true advantage either way, we look to NFL prop bets to quench our thirst for betting action! Check out Dan’s proposition bet predictions for Sunday’s AFC Championship game between the Bills and Chiefs!
Bucs vs. Packers Picks: Prop Bets.
With both teams playing excellent football, the Buccaneers/Packers point spread isn’t easy to crack. In times like this, there’s often times better value to be found in betting on props. Check out Dan’s list of value bets for the TB/GB NFC Championship game!
NFC Title Pick: Bucs vs. Packers Spread Winner.
NFL handicapper Ted Walker has a strong play versus the spread on this week’s NFC tital game. Get his side pick backed by analysis.
Buffalo Bills vs. Kansas City Chiefs Total Pick.
by Jay Horne | Jan 20, 2021 | nfl.
Some bettors find more value in the playing the total and that’s exactly where Horne’s money is landing. Get his reasoning and O/U prediction.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Green Bay Packers Betting Pick.
by Jay Horne | Jan 19, 2021 | nfl.
What happens when two really good teams meet? The point spread isn’t easy to predict in this scenario, so with few to no edges, an over/under bet is a great betting option! Check out Jay’s take on the TB/GB total here!
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NFL Divisional Round games are here and we have all your betting needs covered. Picks & Parlays experts Chelsa Messinger and Craig Trapp take the Rapid Fire approach to provide insight on multiple games coming this NFL weekend.
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Super Bowl 55 is here and we have all your betting needs covered.

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NFL Point Spread Pick.
Well, we made it to the end of the season. It’s sad to see the NFL winding down, but we’ve still got one great game left as the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers square off in the Super Bowl. Patrick Mahomes will get his chance at revenge on Tom Brady after falling to him in the AFC Championship game two seasons ago.
Oddsmakers have the Chiefs as a three-point favorite, which feels a bit light to me for several reasons. One factor to keep in mind here is that the game is being played in the Buccaneers’ stadium, although I don’t think there will be any home-field advantage to speak of. There will be a limited amount of fans at the game, and many of those tickets are being given away by the league. It’s not as if there is going to be a huge contingent of loud Bucs fans, and if anything I wouldn’t be surprised if Chiefs fans end up outnumbering them.
Moving to the on-field matchup, I don’t see how the Chiefs fail to have success throwing the ball. Tampa’s young secondary is exploitable, and every time they’ve faced a quarterback who can push it downfield they’ve been exposed. They might have looked good against an aging Drew Brees with a torn labrum, but the week before that they made Taylor Heinicke look like a franchise quarterback. The Chiefs won by three points when these teams played in Tampa during the regular season, but the game wasn’t as close as that final score indicates. Kansas City was up 17 in the fourth quarter before a couple of late Bucs touchdowns closed the margin. Remember, this is a Tampa Bay team that won all of one game against teams with winning records during the regular season and their playoff run has been very flukey thus far. Brady was mostly horrible against Green Bay as he tossed three interceptions, and it took an extreme series of miscues by the Packers for them to win that game. Their luck may finally run out here.
NFL Game Totals Pick.
The under also makes some sense here because everybody seems to be underrating this Chiefs defense. Kansas City defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo used the regular season to tinker with his schemes, and he’s been a wizard so far in the playoffs. He just completely shut down Josh Allen and that vaunted Buffalo passing game, limiting Allen to just 6.0 yards per attempt– and that number actually got inflated a lot by garbage time. Again, Brady hasn’t actually played well the past couple of weeks; his opponents just gifted him countless easy opportunities. Against the Saints, Tampa Bay’s three touchdown drives went for a combined 63 yards because of the short fields they were given off turnovers. Playing the Chiefs now, they aren’t going to be so fortunate with the starting field position.
While I think the Chiefs’ offense will have opportunities for success, they aren’t going to cover this number by themselves. Tampa Bay’s pass-rush could potentially pose some problems, especially with Mahomes less mobile due to the turf toe he is dealing with. Those problems will only be exacerbated by the absence of left tackle Eric Fisher, who tore his Achilles in the AFC Championship game. This Kansas City secondary is legit and their pass-rush really came alive against Buffalo. The Buccaneers’ defensive front, with the recently healed Vita Vea, should wreak enough havoc to keep this one from going over a total in the mid-50s.
Super Bowl Betting.
Five key players to watch for Super Bowl LV - Chiefs vs. Buccaneers.
Ranking The Top-10 Super Bowls Of All-Time | Which Is The Greatest Ever Super Bowl?
Super Bowl LV Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers predictions, picks, odds, spread, lines and betting odds.
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The Home Of Free Expert NFL Picks For The 2020/21 Season.
Even though there are just 17 weeks in the regular season with a maximum of 16 games per week, NFL betting is easily the most popular North American sports wager. NFL point spreads and season win total prop bets are one of the few in the major sports that are openly discussed by announcers and fans alike. Because of betting, and the popularity of fantasy football, every single game of the NFL season is important, widely discussed, analyzed, and a great opportunity to get in on the action with our free NFL expert picks.
Free NFL Picks Explained.
There’s almost an infinite way to bet on the NFL, from NFL picks against the spread, over unders, parlays , prop bets , daily fantasy sports, or even scoreboard squares, there is a wager type for every kind of football fan. Some bettors like to specialize in a single particular type of NFL pick, while others like to be diverse and wager as many ways as they can on a game. Both types of players can be successful with a disciplined and calculated strategy which is the great thing about NFL betting.
Free NFL Picks Against the Spread.
NFL Over / Under Free NFL Picks.
When you aren’t 100% confident in which team is going to win in an NFL game, or would rather wager on the game, rather than a team, another exciting way to still get in on the action is with totals wagers. In these bets you don’t take a side, but whether the two teams will combine to score over or under the total number of points that the oddsmakers have set. This is why last-second field goals in 24 point blowouts are still edge-of-your-seat moments as they can push the total over or under the set line. We preview every game of the NFL season, providing expert insight into the game alongside NFL picks which will always include a pick on the over/under market in each game of the NFL season.
Money Line NFL Picks.
NFL Schedule 2020/21.
Unlike other sports that have had their seasons widely disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, With the NFL season not due to start until August 2020, it is not yet known the implications the recent events will have on the 2020 NFL schedule. As things stand, the NFL season is expected to start on the 10th September with the Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs hosting the Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium. The NFL regular season schedule is expected to run as normal, with 17 game weeks through until January 3rd, 2021, with the Wild Card round of the playoffs scheduled for the weekend after, across the 9th and 10th January 2021. Super Bowl LV is scheduled for February 7th, at Raymond James Stadium, the home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Regular Season NFL Expert Picks – NFL Picks This Week.
Some sites solely focus on the marquee games of an NFL slate but our system features expert picks for every game of the NFL season. The best way to have success in NFL betting is by finding those under-the-radar games like Miami at Jacksonville that do not draw as much public betting interest as Dallas vs. Green Bay. Our expert handicappers spend just as long researching the under-the-radar games, as they do for a Thursday Night Football or Primetime Football games. Our NFL picks this week are the best ways to get a breakdown and a reading of all the games on an NFL slate, with a complete game preview alongside our best NFL picks for each game.
NFL Futures Bets & Playoff Picks.
Throughout the NFL season, we also give you other betting options such as our futures picks and individual player prop bets. Not only do we publish our previews and picks for every game of the NFL regular season but we do the same for the playoffs as well. There’s a lot of money to be made in the relatively short NFL season – why not make the most of it? The stakes in the NFL playoffs are even higher and the margins between the teams are usually even smaller. With more on the line and the best against the best, the hours of research and analysis our NFL experts put in are at even more of a premium. Follow our NFL playoff picks throughout the entire NFL postseason, right through to the Super Bowl itself.
More Than Just NFL Picks.
We also specialize in every major North American sport including the MLB , NBA , NHL , and College Football and College Basketball . Check out our site every single day for some of the best bets in every major athletic contest and make sure to follow us on social media as well.

NFL Picks Against the Spread and Expert Predictions, Tips, Parlays.
NFL picks and expert predictions as well as betting tips and parlays for all of this weeks games. All of our expert NFL predictions are against the spread. (ATS) This page will be updated weekly.
The Kansas City Chiefs hit the road to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium (6:30 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs and Tom Brady for the Buccaneers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers take on the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field (3:05 PM EST). The quarterbacks expected to start the game are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Aaron Rodgers for the Packers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Buffalo Bills go up against the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium (6:40 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Josh Allen for the Bills and Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Cleveland Browns hit the road to play the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium (3:05 PM EST). The probable starting quarterbacks are Baker Mayfield for the Browns and Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers hit the road to take on the New Orleans Saints at Mercedes-Benz Superdome (6:40 PM EST). The expected starting QBs are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Drew Brees for the Saints. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Baltimore Ravens take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Lamar Jackson for the Ravens and Josh Allen for the Bills. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Los Angeles Rams take on the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field (4:35 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Jared Goff for the Rams and Aaron Rodgers for the Packers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Chicago Bears take on the New Orleans Saints at Mercedes-Benz Superdome (4:40 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Mitchell Trubisky for the Bears and Drew Brees for the Saints. This matchup report includes Vegas odds and a free NFL prediction for tonight.
The Baltimore Ravens hit the road to play the Tennessee Titans at Nissan Stadium (1:05 PM EST). The expected starting quarterbacks are Lamar Jackson for the Ravens and Ryan Tannehill for the Titans. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Los Angeles Rams go up against the Seattle Seahawks at Lumen Field (4:40 PM EST). The expected starting quarterbacks are John Wolford for the Rams and Russell Wilson for the Seahawks. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Indianapolis Colts hit the road to take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (1:05 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Philip Rivers for the Colts and Josh Allen for the Bills. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers take on the Washington Football Team at FedEx Field (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Alex Smith for the Football Team. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Cleveland Browns hit the road to take on the Pittsburgh Steelers at Heinz Field (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Baker Mayfield for the Browns and Ben Roethlisberger for the Steelers. This games report has current odds, betting predictions, and free picks against the spread.
The Minnesota Vikings hit the road to play the Detroit Lions at Ford Field (1:00 PM EST). The probable starting QBs are Kirk Cousins for the Vikings and Matthew Stafford for the Lions. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Miami Dolphins hit the road to take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Tua Tagovailoa for the Dolphins and Josh Allen for the Bills. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The New Orleans Saints play the Carolina Panthers at Bank of America Stadium (4:25 PM EST). The probable starting QBs are Drew Brees for the Saints and Teddy Bridgewater for the Panthers. This matchup report includes betting lines and our NFL pick of the day for this game.
The Dallas Cowboys take on the New York Giants at MetLife Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The quarterbacks expected to start under center are Andy Dalton for the Cowboys and Colt McCoy for the Giants. This games report has current odds, betting predictions, and free picks against the spread.
The Pittsburgh Steelers hit the road to play the Cleveland Browns at FirstEnergy Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The QBs expected to start the game are Ben Roethlisberger for the Steelers and Baker Mayfield for the Browns. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Green Bay Packers hit the road to play the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field (4:25 PM EST). The probable starting quarterbacks are Aaron Rodgers for the Packers and Mitchell Trubisky for the Bears. This matchup report has your NFL football pick of the day as well as NFL football odds for the game.
The Washington Football Team hit the road to take on the Philadelphia Eagles at Lincoln Financial Field (8:20 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Dwayne Haskins for the Football Team and Jalen Hurts for the Eagles. This matchup report includes odds, betting predictions and a free pick against the spread.
Pick: UNDR 7 Catches for Tyreek Hill Start: February 7, 2021 @ 6:30 PM Expert: Doc's Sports Offered at: BookMaker Analysis: Free Play from Doc’s Sports. Take Under 7 Receptions (-125) for Tyreek Hill in Super Bowl 55 (6:30p.m., Sunday, February 7 CBS) We have betting that Tyreek Hill will have less than receptions in Super Bowl 55. If he gets exactly 7 catches, this bet will be graded as a push and you will get your money bank. Hill had a monster game against Tampa Bay in the first game on 11/29 and you can bet Coach Bowles will make some adjustments for this game. Hill has only gone over 7 catches 5 times over out the 17 games he played this season. He will likely get a big play with his speed but remember that only counts as just one reception. Take the under in this prop bet. Do not miss out on Doc’s Sports Weekend Football card featuring an all-access pass to Super Bowl plus college and NBA action. We had a monster weekend in college hoops hitting 4 of our 5 plays including a pair of top play winners on Saturday and Sunday. Jump on board now and let 49 years of handicapping experience work for you. Read More Read Less.

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