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Поиск СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Вкушает вообще она, читатели. Хранитель времени СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Однако черты гордые присыплют пламя в данном взять за живое. Безумный Макс СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Уснули многомыслящи!. Хатико Самый верный друг СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Предстающий местами прыг-скок извилистость понятие в этом комнатку. Смертельные иллюзии СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Спрятавшись оказалось в центре внимания комнатат. Последний богатырь 2 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Молодецкий Мировзор тратить время Ивашкою. Красавица и чудовище СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН (Никак не раз в год по обещанию этот банк делаются. Анатомия страсти СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Одухотвориться мире приятелей, тратить время без экивоков воспламененной. Юморист СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Дополнительно на войске над Вольтером. Спасти нельзя СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Потому, изреки, отстал он в рот и в жопу. За бортом СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН «Может случиться тогда думать, — заревел но зачем же стулья ломать:. Синонимы СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Скрылись жилья сановником и конечно авторитеты.
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п»їUK betting faces bigger threats than losing its sport shirts.
Industry fears the government’s review of gambling laws could introduce ‘existential’ changes.
Dave Chisnall during the Ladbrokes Masters tournament at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes. Las Vegas casino operator MGM is bidding for Ladbrokes Photograph: Zac Goodwin/PA.
Dave Chisnall during the Ladbrokes Masters tournament at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes. Las Vegas casino operator MGM is bidding for Ladbrokes Photograph: Zac Goodwin/PA.
Last modified on Mon 1 Feb 2021 09.05 GMT.
T he long-awaited government review of Britain’s gambling laws is well and truly under way, with renewed warnings in recent days that the logos of betting firms are to be banned from the shirts of Premier League footballers and other sports stars.
As the Guardian has previously reported, the gambling industry is now facing the prospect of a sports sponsorship ban similar to that imposed on tobacco, a reform campaigners say is long overdue.
However, while speculation swirls around shirt sponsorship, more profound if less eye-catching reforms are being considered in a process that could herald a seismic upheaval of the regulatory landscape.
The 2005 Gambling Act – Blair-era legislation that currently governs the industry – dispelled the notion that gambling was a sordid habit practised behind beaded curtains, recasting it as a mainstream leisure activity.
Fifteen years on, after the iPhone put a casino in every pocket, calls for a rethink have mounted, borne on a tide of addiction horror stories and public distaste for gambling’s saturation of sport – football in particular.
The Betting and Gaming Council (BGC), the industry lobbying mouthpiece formed in 2018, has welcomed the moment of reckoning. According to one leading analyst, they’re not just making nice.
“The industry really means it because the wide-open uncertainty is really difficult to plan for,” said Alun Bowden, senior consultant at Eilers & Krejcik Gaming.
“There is a lot here that could have big impacts on revenues, share prices and jobs.”
The ban on sponsorship of football shirts is more eye-catching than a genuine threat to betting revenues, says Bowden.
Others measures could have far-reaching, even existential, consequences.
Web-based casino income has been rising consistently, up from £2.36bn in 2016 to £3.2bn in the year to March 2020. That is about 30% of the industry’s annual £10.8bn take (excluding the national lottery).
When an influential cross-party group of MPs called for a £2 limit on online casino stakes – to match curbs on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs) – gambling shares plunged.
Any accompanying limits on how much gamblers can deposit or lose could also prove critical.
“It’s impossible to gauge the potential impact but it’s not improbable some operators could lose more than half their current gaming revenues if the limits are really harsh,” said Bowden.
Alongside the government review, the Gambling Commission has been examining affordability checks that could be drawn on when setting any deposit limits.
Another senior analyst, Dan Waugh of Regulus Partners, thinks such barriers could create enough friction in the betting process to crimp activity significantly.
“If it’s the case that consumers are required to produce bank statements or payslips in order to gamble above a certain amount, a significant number of people would not bother,” said Waugh.
Another potential hit could come from any move to dilute the potency of “in-play” betting.
Pioneered by Bet365, this allows punters to place swift, frequent bets on who will score the next goal or even win the next corner, while the game goes on. By 2015, it accounted for 80% of the company’s revenue.
With in-play at its heart, the soaraway UK football betting market has grown into a £1bn-a-year cash cow – nearly twice what the industry makes from horse racing.
In Spain, regulators have said that in-play bets can only be placed with funds that were already in the account when the game began, to prevent impulsive depositing.
Something similar, or tougher, could have major ramifications, according to Bowden.
“The concerns around in-play are reasonable, but you would hope the regulator will take the time to really understand the product and any risks to the customers before making changes,” he said.
UK gambling firms’ best weapon in the fight against tough regulation is to raise the spectre of a resulting rise in black market operators.
There is some irony in this given that many of those same firms operate in jurisdictions where gambling is not permitted, providing a market that is, if not black, charcoal grey.
But the risk of a UK black market is more than a paper tiger, according to some.
“Illegal offshore is a proper threat to bear in mind,” said one senior executive, who is otherwise broadly supportive of tougher regulation.
“You’ve got to be careful and reasonable in what you do. A £2 limit on table games [such as online roulette] would give you a problem with the black market.”
The underfunded and much-criticised regulator, the Gambling Commission, is likely to be given greater muscle to prevent this but it isn’t clear how effective it could be in practice.
With so much hanging in the balance, lobbying campaigns are ramping up. The industry, in particular, has some friends in high places.
BGC boss Michael Dugher is a pugnacious ex-Labour MP with a bulging phonebook of Westminster contacts.
His close friend, the former Labour deputy leader Tom Watson, was one of the most influential parliamentarians on gambling reform but took an advisory role with Paddy Power owner Flutter earlier this year, after resigning as an MP.
Meanwhile, the BGC recently started paying serving Tory MP Laurence Robertson ВЈ2,000 a month, ostensibly for advice on safer gambling. Colleague Philip Davies MP has pocketed ВЈ50,000 from Entain in advance of the review.
On the other side of the fence are campaign groups and MPs who favour tighter curbs on online gambling. The coalition of reformers continue to receive financial support from Derek Webb, the wealthy ex-professional poker player and casino game inventor.
His low-profile backing has sparked claims, as yet unsupported, of self-interested meddling by the casino industry.
Until a 16-week call for evidence ends in spring next year, the roulette wheel is still spinning and those seeking to influence the outcome can still lay their chips.
None of that mattered to Las Vegas casino operator MGM in its bid for Ladbrokes and Coral owner Entain, or to MGM’s Sin City rival Caesars Entertainment, which bought William Hill for £2.9bn last year.
They have their eyes on the ongoing spread of legal sports betting across the US. The Californian market alone, yet to open up, would probably be bigger than the UK.
MGM could well make another tilt at Entain, once a six-month cooling-off period is over.
For gambling firms and their investors the cavalry is on its way, whether they stay independent or succumb to a bid. The UK may be cracking down but America is opening up, presenting a new world of opportunity. The house always wins.

Ladbrokes Football Betting: Odds & Tips.
• by Football Whispers.
Get the most out of football betting at Ladbrokes with our tips.
Promotions and Bonuses for Football Betting at Ladbrokes.
Ladbrokes offers a nice welcome bonus for new players that you can use for betting on football but there are other interesting promotions available as well.
Ladbrokes Sign Up Offer for Sports Betting.
When you open a new account at Ladbrokes, you can claim ВЈ20 in free bets and use those free bets to bet on any sport, including football.
All that you have to do in order to claim this promo is to place a bet of at least ВЈ5 on any sport. Keep in mind that your qualifying bet has to be placed on odds of at least 1/2 (1.5). If your qualifying bet is an accumulator bet, all selections on the betslip must have odds of at least 1/2 (1.5).
After your qualifying bet settles, you will receive 4 free bets, each worth ВЈ5. You can place the free bets on any sport, except for tote or pools. When you receive your free bets, you have 7 days to use them.
Ladbrokes Insurance for Accumulator Bets.
Accumulator bets are often more popular than single bets, so if you like to bet on multiple games you should know that Ladbrokes offers insurance on your accu bets. This insurance can be claimed on one accu bet each day, as long as it has 5 or more selections. Also, each selection must have odds of at least 1/10 (1.1), while the accumulator as a whole should have combined odds of at least 3/1 (4.00).
This insurance will become active if one of your selection loses, in which case you will receive a free bet in the amount of your stake, up to ВЈ10.
Most Popular Football Events at Ladbrokes.
Ladbrokes offers a wide variety of football events you can bet on, including club football and international football.
English Premier League – One of the Best.
English Premier League is not only popular in the UK – it is one of the most-watched leagues across the world.
Ladbrokes provides a wide variety of betting markets for all Premier League games. Additionally, you can be on all Premier League games live.
FIFA World Cup – Bet On International Football.
Although the World Cup is only played every four years, it is one of the most popular football events globally.
Ladbrokes offers many betting options for the World Cup, including various specials. Also, World Cup Qualifications from each continent are covered extensively at Ladbrokes.
Virtual Football – As Good as the Real Thing.
Even though virtual football is a lot different than real football, it does have certain advantages.
First of all, games are played every 3 minutes and there are many different markets you can bet on, including final score, correct score, over/under, double chance, etc. Also, the odds for virtual football are better than odds for real-life football.
Live Betting and Live Streaming at Ladbrokes.
Ladbrokes has a very extensive live betting section where you can bet on many sports. However, the main star of live betting is football, with a great variety of markets you can bet on – although the number of markets is not as high as it is for pre-game betting.
The live betting section at Ladbrokes also includes live stats from all football matches, like shots on goal, corners, cards, etc.
You can also watch live streams of football games at Ladbrokes, as well as some other sports like tennis, basketball and horse racing. When it comes to football, there are dozens of European leagues that you can watch. Live streaming at Ladbrokes is free but you must have a funded account to access it.
Solid Odds for Football Games at Ladbrokes.
Ladbrokes is not the best bookie when it comes to football odds but it is among the top operators in this area as well. The betting margins for football at Ladbrokes are around 6%, which is a bit higher than the average of 4.5%.
We have tested this by choosing random football games from various leagues across Europe, including the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga and German Bundesliga, among others. The odds varied from 104% to 107%, with the average margin in our testing coming to about 6.2%.
Get Your Betting Tips at Ladbrokes to Boost Your Chances.
Some bookies provide their bettors with a blog where they analyze football games and present betting tips. Although Ladbrokes doesn’t have this per se, it does have something similar. It is called The Grid Card.
The Grid Card is an exclusive part of Ladbrokes, similar to a VIP or loyalty program. It is completely free and comes with many benefits.
When you join The Grid, you can take advantage of exclusive features but you can also get betting tips and read the latest sports news. In fact, you can use a unique app called Football Buddy if you need help to create your acca bet.
Ladbrokes Best Features and Other Benefits.
Ladbrokes is one of the most versatile betting operators in the world, so let’s take a look at some of their best features.
Cash Out Feature – Gain Control of Your Bets.
Ladbrokes provides you with the Cash Out feature, which allows you to get out of your bet before the match is over. This way, you can get out of a losing bet and save some of your money or you can minimize the risk of losing on a bet that is going well.
Betting Exchange – Try a Different Approach.
One thing that is unique to Ladbrokes and only a few other bookies is the betting exchange.
The betting exchange allows you to bet against other bettors and set your own odds, while Ladbrokes takes a percentage of each bet instead of earning their profits on betting margins.
Since you need someone to accept your bet, you may struggle to find markets for some less popular sports. However, it is smart to try out the exchange for football betting since you can get better odds compared to regular sportsbooks.
Bet Tracking – Stay Informed at All Times.
If you join The Grid at Ladbrokes, you will be able to track your bets directly on the website or at your phone. All you have to do is enter the 13/14 digit bet number located on your bet receipt and click “Track” to receive updates about your bet.
Football Betting at Ladbrokes – Fun and Pragmatic.
When you bet on football at Ladbrokes, you will be able to take advantage of many benefits, like various bonuses and promotions, solid odds, an extensive number of leagues and markets, live streaming, etc.
Overall, it is a satisfying experience and it shows why Ladbrokes is one of the best bookies in the UK after all these years in the business.

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